10|| The Great Escape

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Chapter ten

The great escape

Tom looked up at the dark sky, trying to figure out why he felt useless and ashamed. His first answer would've been Angie, but he really wasn't that worked out by her super-agent powers. He was more intrigued about these foreign feelings because it was how Sam felt. After what seemed like forever, he could relate to Sam's mood again.

He wished the others would wake up faster so they could get on with it. Though, to be honest, he wasn't sure how much he could count on Jerry and Angie. And his mind drifted to this new, strange, brave Angie. It didn't feel like Angie was there, but as if he'd met someone new who looked just like Angie and shared the name. And he missed his girlfriend.

"Hey, what's up?" Angie whispered in his ear scaring him half to death.

He jumped into sitting position and glared at her, ready to tell her off for almost making him scream like a girl, but he stopped. The girl in front of him looking at him with innocent curiosity was really Angie, not some stranger.

He couldn't move while looking into those emerald green eyes. He wanted to kiss her so badly, his body ached. And now would be as good a time as any. He'd been an idiot before, not doing it, waiting for the perfect moment, a moment that had never come.

She leaned against him and the next thing he knew, she cuddled in his arms as if trying to hide from something. Heat rose inside him, boiling until he couldn't take it anymore.

He laid her on the ground and rolled over her, his brain foggy and unresponsive to the most basic common sense. Angie pushed him off her and got on top, leaning all her weight on him, taking his face in her hands. His brain was out of order and even if a small, sane part of him yelled that Jerry was less than six feet away, probably awake, he didn't care.

They rolled again, bringing Tom on top. He kissed her neck, drowning in her scent, in her soft skin. She let out a low moan and pulled him closer, kissing his neck, too; the feeling of her warm breath on his skin was driving him crazy. Much too crazy.

He rose to his hands to look at her. Had he ever truly appreciated how beautiful she was? He bent towards her and she put her hand on the back of his head to pull him closer faster. And someone cleared their throat loudly right next to them.

Angie and Tom jumped apart, Tom rolling away from her and sitting up instantly. Luckily, it was William staring them down, his arms crossed over his chest. Jerry sat up, looking at them confused. Heat rose to Tom's cheeks and he prayed to every known entity that he wasn't blushing. Angie's face was flaming.

"So, Jerry, how long have you been up?" he asked conversationally.

"Does it matter?" Jerry asked, watching Tom through narrowed eyes.

"No. Just wondering." Tom shrugged, but it came out as a twitch. He was still shaking all over.

"You are horrible agents," William said, making both Tom and Jerry jump.

"What are you on about?" Tom asked annoyed.

"You and the girl, you're terrible," William repeated. "Getting your personal lives involved."

"What exactly were 'you and the girl' doing?" Jerry asked, his eyes dark-brown slits.

Even if they'd gotten over the effects of the toxic water almost entirely, Jerry still reminded Tom of Kyle. Except Kyle would've probably cheered him on rather than tell him off.

"We weren't doing anything, Jerry," Angie said in a tired voice. "Not for lack of trying," she mumbled only for Tom to hear.

Tom suppressed a smile and turned to Jerry. "Now that we're all up and William is apparently intelligent, we should try and devise a plan to bust the merry group out."

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