Unraveling the cover

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That's right. Since I have such awesome new covers (Thanks Aria!!!), I'm going to take some time to explain them to you all. In this episode, Firebomb (duh!)

Isn't it just majestically pretty? I'll answer that

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Isn't it just majestically pretty? I'll answer that. Yes, yes it is.

So, the theme is obviously fire to fit the title. But it's all the crazy little details that make it so good.

The lone guy on the floor? Tom in captivity. The couple at the top? Come on, that's easy since there's only one girl in this adventure. Tom and Angie (wow this cover is Tom-centric).

Then we have the building on the right which represents the labs. And look, they're on fire.

And in the far right corner we have creepy red eyes because hell yeah, the jewel is in a cave this time. Plus, check out all the cool explosion clouds!

Yes, this cover fists the story perfectly. Hope you think so too.

Another huge shoutout to my official designer @StormytheZebra.

Firebomb (The Jewel Project #2)Where stories live. Discover now