22.2|| Caverns of Stone

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Tom stared into the darkness at the lone beam of Sam's flashlight. It felt like someone had pulled the plug on him and his energy started seeping out into the rock floor under him. The rock floor that had taken Angie into the black void. What was he supposed to do now? What if Angie really was dead?

Cold slithered through his veins, freezing his blood, his breath, his brain. He'd been so angry with her for so long. Such a waste of time. Of time he could've spent loving her, showing her how much she'd changed his life, how much she'd changed him. Because before he met her, he hadn't been a hero, hadn't been selfless, hadn't been. She made everything brighter with her smile, her energy, the way she managed to push his buttons, make him feel things he'd never felt.

All that could be over. And it wasn't fair. He was the one who almost died, not her. Never her.

"Hey! Did you get that?" Billy yelled.

Tom shook his head and looked at the floor above. "What?"

"Jerry said to tell Sam that the last tunnel ends in a rock wall."

Well, shit. Could things get any worse? Yes, yes they could. And Angie was a lot more important than a stupid dead end. Sam needed to focus on her. They'd figure out what to do about their whereabouts later.

What was taking Sam so long anyway? He could have at least called out to tell him if she was alive. Or not.  But he couldn't ask, so he stayed silent, listening to the echoes of Jerry and Billy's voices. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he didn't care. For him, the whole world was dark and cold like the cave they were in, and he couldn't care less what was going to happen, Not now, and if Angie had died, not ever. He wished he could be down there with Sam, but his twin was right. He didn't want to see what was left of Angie.

"...tell Sam already!" Billy suddenly yelled.

"I didn't get that," Tom yelled back. Well, shocking, he could still talk.

"Jerry thinks you should tell Sam already," Billy repeated.

"No! I'll tell Sam when he comes up. I don't want to worry him with it. It's not important right now..." He wanted to continue exposing his theory how it was the most unimportant thing in the world at that precise moment and how Angie needed Sam's undivided attention, but his voice cracked.

The following moment both Billy and Jimmy scrambled down the rope and landed next to Tom. Billy hugged Tom tightly. He still couldn't move. Talking had drained his last ounce of energy, so he could do nothing but breathe.

Jimmy squeezed his shoulder. "She's going to be all right. She's strong and you know it."

"What if she doesn't make it?" Tom asked, turning to Jimmy.

Jimmy pursed his lips, and took in a deep breath. "If she doesn't make it... I just hope you're as strong as she is and that you'll find the strength to keep functioning for a while. And then move on."

"Don't say that," Jerry said. "Angie's going to be fine."

Tom jumped and turned to him. Everyone had come down and gathered around him, but Tom couldn't say anything. He wasn't sure why he was so numb; he should be hysterical or at least try to get to Sam, because no one would stop him. But the fear of what might be down there kept him pinned to the ground.

"Did I hear Jerry up there? Marvelous," Sam said. "Get him down here, maybe we'll get this over with faster."

Jerry immediately climbed down the last rope. Tom looking down after him, the weight in his chest lessening the tiniest bit. Because Sam's voice had been normal, even a little joyful. He didn't sound desperate, scared, worried. Which meant that Angie could be fine.

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