18.1|| A Failed Attempt

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Sam watched the eerily white lab buildings, a sudden chill coming over him. They oddly looked like ghosts. He turned away and refocused on strapping on his bulletproof vest. The faster they got this over with, the better.

Three days. Tom had been held prisoner for three whole days. He was probably going mad in there, and Sam couldn't blame him. Unless, Snitch Gravel had killed him already. The mere thought made Sam shudder.

"It's sort of cold," Jerry said all of a sudden. "Should we put on something more than t-shirts?"

"No. It going to get pretty hot eventually, so it's better this way," Sam answered, putting his night vision goggles on.

"Right, whatever you say boss," Jerry grumbled. "Are we going already?"

"Yeah, we should." Sam looked to Jim. "Are you sure you want to come in?"

"You need the extra man power, don't you?" Jim said, loading his gun and seeming strangely familiar with a weapon.

"A miracle, that's what we need," Sam mumbled, looking towards the labs again. He'd handed over leadership for the operation to William. He had more experience than any of them and knew the compound, but Sam still felt uneasy.

"So, this is it, then?" Billy said excitedly. "Our first mission as trained secret agents. Let's go bust Tom out!"

"William, how long will it take us to get there?" Jerry asked.

"About an hour," William answered, checking his watch. "Once there, we must use extreme stealth since you're surely expected. Let's move out or we'll lose the perfect moment."

Sam nodded and they headed out. It was weird to see William moving with so much purpose and confidence, but Sam was grateful they had a seasoned agent with them this time. The only thing that really bothered him was how belligerent William was towards Kyle. They seemed to have some history and Sam was afraid to ask. He'd like as little drama as possible.

Almost an hour later, William suddenly stopped and wheeled around to face them.

"You, motorcycle boy, move the rock!" he ordered.

Sam stared, wondering if William had gone back into crazy mode, when Kyle actually answered.

"How about I move your face and help you admire the other side of your body?" His voice was low and dangerous.

William rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This is the entrance."

Sam turned from William to the boulder. It rested on a rocky mound surrounded by trees, but didn't seem distinct at all. "Well, I guess it is well camouflaged."

"Do tell me how you managed to get inside before, seeing as I have to move the rock aside," Kyle said seeming mildly interested by William's affirmation. Since William didn't answer, Kyle frowned. "We have no time for your games. Tell us how to open it or I'll use you to make a new entrance."

"No need," Jimmy said and reached for a nearby branch. He pulled it down as if trying to break it. It bent over at an odd angle and the boulder rolled aside.

"Stop doing stuff like that. We have no time," Jerry said, striding inside the tunnel, followed by Jim and Billy who stuck his tongue out at William. Jimmy and Kyle threw William murderous looks and rushed after them.

"Stop this," Angie said seriously. "That guy in there, Sam's twin, is my boyfriend and I don't want you not liking Kyle to get in the way of rescuing him."

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