18.2|| A Failed Attempt

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Sounds of hurried footsteps and muffled yelling pulled Tom out of an agitated sleep. He looked towards the door, but it was still closed, he was still alone. And even if silence now surrounded him, he knew there was something different.

"Move!" Snitch Gravel's voice sounded from outside the door.

Tom picked up his sunglasses and shoved them on, then lay back dead on the floor. No matter what had happened, it was best to fake sleep.

Snitch Gravel burst into the room, Ron on his heels. He was once again wearing jeans and a scarlet t-shirt and looked more worried than Tom had ever seen him.

"Good thing he's asleep. It will make things a lot easier," he mumbled to Ron. "Though we should make sure first..."


A tall, well-built black man entered the room in a hurry and stopped next to Snitch Gravel, hitting his fist against his chest in salute. Snitch Gravel copied him absently.

"I'm listening," he said, his eyes on Tom again.

"Something's not right. I heard noise in your office, but when I checked, no one was there. But I don't think I've imagined the noise," the guard reported.

"Yeah, thought so. Did you check the console?" Snitch Gravel asked.

"No, I didn't check it properly, but it was shut down," the guard answered with uncharacteristic confidence. He did not seem like the regular doofus henchman.

Snitch Gravel rubbed his goatee, looking from the guard to Ron. "Rudolpheus, come to my office and I'll check the console," he said to the guard. "About Tom... Ron..."

"Sure, I'll take care of him," Ron said cheerfully.

"No. I want you to go get Von Crooken and bring him to my office. I will give him instructions regarding Tom there," Snitch Gravel cut him off and turned to leave the room.

A shiver ran down Tom's spine, and he did his best not to move.

"Excuse me?" Rom spluttered. "You're going to let Von Crooken take care of Tom? He'll kill him as soon as he lays eyes on him! I won't let you do this!"

"Are you suggesting you should give the orders around here?" Snitch Gravel said in a low, dangerous voice, narrowing his eyes at Rom.

"Sir, Ron's right," the guard interjected. "Von Crooken will surely kill the kid."

Thank you, Rudolpheous.

"I know!" Snitch Gravel yelled at the two of them.

Ron and the guard both flinched and stepped back. Snitch Gravel glared at them for a moment then buried his face in his hands.

"Out of all times, Nicholas found this a good time to grow a spine. Damn those kids for choosing the worst possible moment to break in! Why did they have to escape the Pueblo so fast?" Snitch Gravel raised his face, an air of determination surrounding him. "I'll deal with Nicholas. Ron, quit questioning my orders and do what I've asked. And Rudolpheus, come with me."

No one said another word as they all left the room. Tom sat up and rested his forearms on his knees, breathing deeply. Snitch Gravel didn't want him dead yet, but Ron and the guard were right. Von Crooken proved he could misinterpret orders with ease. He almost poisoned Snitch Gravel, for Christ's sake.

But why did Snitch Gravel act like he cared? And why did he feel like the man who was supposed to be his mortal enemy was an ally against Von Crooken? Probably because he was scared out of his mind. Alive didn't necessarily mean well or in one piece, and he was certain what followed would be painful. Very painful.

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