01.1|| Madness

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Jewel Series #2

And through all the confusion, the struggle, he was like a firebomb, lighting up the night, destroying everything she used to know and creating something new and wonderful, something worth fighting for.

Chapter One


Chicago: present day

'Young adventurers get hold of legendary jewel'

'Team lead by eighteen-year-old Sam Grant braves the jungles of Yucatan.'

It's been less than two weeks since Chicago's own Sam Grant and his brothers returned from a grueling adventure in the jungles of Mexico with an enormous ruby.

The result of a month-long expedition, the ruby now rests at the Chicago Museum of Natural History to be admired for the following week until it will be shipped off to tour the world.


Sam Grant is the son of Freider and Maximilliane Grant, wealthy residents of Chicago who mostly keep to themselves. A straight A student at the prestigious 'Xavier Race' high school, Sam was selected to be part of an expedition to bring archaeology back into the spotlight, expedition led by Professor Gerald Palmer of CU.

The details of the expedition remain uncertain for now, but there is nothing uncertain about the bruises, cuts and bandages covering the team of youngsters. Retrieving the ruby was certainly not a walk in the park.

The Grant team

Most of the team is surprisingly made up of Sam's family: his brothers Kyle, Jerry, Jimmy and Tom Grant and cousin Billy Grant.

Kyle Grant (21) is a cadet at Chicago's Police Academy and also a student at the State University, majoring in computer studies.

Jerry Grant (19) will be starting his Science major at the State University in the fall.

Drama in the Grant family

Who are Tom and Jimmy Grant? It has been a complete surprise to everyone who knew the Grants to learn that Sam and Jerry have twin brothers. Tom – who is Sam's twin – and Jimmy – Jerry's twin – have returned home. Why they'd been lost for so long or how they were found remain a mystery as well as their life prior to returning to their family.

Other members of the team

Professor Gerard Palmer also recruited his daughters, Christine (18) and Tina (21), Katherine Dickens (20), Angela Jones (17), Harry James (18), and heiress and pop sensation from California, Jessica Stefáni (18).

Romance in the jungle

During their adventure, Sam and gorgeous Christine got together. Their public display of affection has been interpreted by specialists to mean that there is a definite flame between the two.

Christine's father confirms, though with a deep scowl, that her daughter and Sam are dating.

To extend the alliance between the two families, Tina and Jerry are supposedly dating as well. If there is something between the rest of Sam's brothers and the other girls on the team, only time and the pictures of the paparazzi will tell.

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