16.1|| I spy

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Chapter Sixteen

I spy

Sam rummaged through the luggage, trying to get an idea of what they still had and what they could use. They were running low on water, but if they moved fast enough, that shouldn't be a problem. And this would go much faster if his hands didn't keep shaking.

But he couldn't help it. It had been hours since their escape from the fence and Kyle, Jimmy and Tom hadn't showed up yet. He wished he knew something, anything about what happened to them.

A faint popping sound drew his eyes to the sky. A flare rose above the vegetation. A few moments later, another shot from a different place. Sam's heart jumped into his throat. This could be a trap. But in case it wasn't, he was willing to risk it.

He picked up a signaling gun and fired straight into the air. The flare rose and fizzled like a defective firework. Sam hoped it would be enough.

"Finally," Jerry mumbled from somewhere to Sam's right, and Sam couldn't agree more. The others were in the forest and now, hopefully, on their way.

Invigorated by the thought, Sam got back to work, pulling every piece of equipment out of the rucksacks. William had rushed away as soon as Sam shot the signaling gun and had hid under the perturbing roots of a gnarly old tree. Sam considered going over to see if he was okay, but as long as William was silent, there was no point.

Jim had been posted as a sentinel to watch out for intruders, while the others worked quietly. Billy and Angie pulled guns, knives and grenades from one of the rucksacks, while Jerry organized the food. Sam made a huge pile of goggles, gas masks and other knickknacks next to the stump he was using as a table.

While they worked, the sun began to set, leaving them in semi darkness.

"I'm a bit worried," Jerry said after what seemed like hours of silence. "We've signaled back an hour ago and Kyle, Jimmy and Tom are still not here."

Sam sighed and dropped his maps. "I am a bit worried, too, but not surprised. The flares rose from pretty far away, and they're not in the best of shapes, especially Tom. My guess is they'll show up tomorrow morning at best."

"Maybe we should signal again, just in case they got lost," Jerry mumbled, looking towards the forest.

"You did not just say that!" Billy joined the conversation, his old smartass tone back in place. "If we signal now, it will reveal our position to everyone on a twenty-mile radius."

"Good point. But I'm still worried," Jerry said, looking at William absently. "What's gotten into him?"

Sam shrugged while Billy went over and pat William's shoulder. "William? You alright, mate?"

"Leave me alone!" William yelled, clutching his head in his hands.

Billy jumped and stepped back. William turned his back on Billy and sunk deeper between the roots of the tree.

"Okay, I have no idea what's going on," Billy said freaked out.

Sam watched William for a few seconds, but decided that as long as he didn't hurt himself, they should just let him be. He turned to the others. "Listen, I came up with a brilliant plan. We're not in this huge hurry. Let's take a little time and do this right. I think we need a tad more training before we move out. Angie could teach us a few knocking out tricks. Kyle should also teach us how to use more weapons. And I think it's time you learned how to shoot, too, Jerry."

"What do you mean learn? I already know how to shoot, and I'm doing pretty well, thank you," Jerry protested.

"Let's just say that if you were to shoot me, I'd be more worried if you were aiming for the person next to me. Now Jimmy, can teach us how to use all these doohickeys I don't remember packing." Sam gestured towards the pile of equipment at the base of his stump.

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