21|| The Death of Sam Grant

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Chapter twenty one

The Death of Sam Grant

Herrison James was worried.

He paced in front of his desk, very aware that he was giving the man sitting on a chair in the corner great satisfaction. But he couldn't help it. He was scared. Scared because his superiors had found out how he had misinterpreted their orders and they were not pleased.

Keeves, the man on the chair, with the dull brown hair and moustache and wearing a smart black suit, was not his superior, at least not directly. But he'd been the bearer of bad news and was sticking around for the show.

"Are you done pacing James?" he sneered.

Herrison stopped at once and wheeled to face him. "Why the hell do you look so pleased? It's not like I'm going to get fired and you'll get my position. I haven't endangered the mission in any way."

"You decided to take a trip..."

"My presence there was of least importance," Herrison said hotly. "And I did follow orders. I didn't tell them who the agent was, and I told that William was Katherine Dickens' brother. That should've messed Kyle up enough for your liking."

"Come now, James, you know how important it is for these kids to learn how to work under... stressful conditions."

"Stressful conditions? Isn't Snitch Gravel enough stress? Being kept in the dark."

"And trust me," Keeves continued as if Herrison had said nothing. "I know you won't get fired. Your sanction is much more... stimulating." And with a smug grin, he stood. "Follow me."

Herrison followed the man out of his office, and they both headed towards the interrogation rooms. Keeves stopped in front of one of them, and as Herrison looked through the one-way glass into the room, the blood froze in his veins.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Keeves only grinned like the sick bastard he was. "Yes, James, it's your son. Surprised to see him here? Did you already forget that he's been recruited?"

"We made a deal!" Herrison yelled, looking at his son desperately.

Harry paced like a lion in a cage, throwing murderous looks towards them even if he couldn't see them.

"Yes, we did. But our superiors considered that after what happened, you need to be reminded what's at stake. It's either Snitch Gravel's head, or your son's."

All the blood seemed to have seeped from Herrison's body, leaving him empty and cold. "I know that, and Sam is going to..." Herrison started.

"Sam is an eighteen-year-old kid who couldn't bring Snitch Gravel down if the latter was sleeping." Keeves raised his voice to cover Herrison's, and then immediately calmed down. "I'm afraid you might just lose this deal."

"You're forgetting that Sam and his group managed to get their hands on that ruby. Which none of our other more competent agents could," Herrison spat out disgusted. You included.

"Don't get overly attached, It might cost you your head," Keeves said in mock pity. "You're starting to look a bit rebellious. Don't forget what happens to people who turn their back on the agency."

"How about Snitch Gravel? He's still alive," Herrison said blankly.

"Snitch Gravel?" Keeves said rubbing his hands satisfied. "He's our greatest creation; the perfect training method. Because of him, we're going to create six agents better than him."

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