23.1|| Into the Void

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Chapter twenty three

Into the Void

There were times in his life when Kyle simply cursed his luck. Like now. Out of all the people in the group, why did he have to meet up with William? He'd had maybe half an hour of peace and quiet until he ran into the guy and spent the next three hours in pointed, uncomfortable silence.

Kyle knew that he had no reason to be pissed at William. In theory. Because in reality... The way he talked, the way he acted towards him showed clearly that William, just like the rest of Kay's family, hated his guts. And while he hadn't minded before, it was starting to bother him now.

Because between Kay's family and his own, they were never going to be a normal couple. They'll always have to hide and keep away from the parents. It would've made things more fun. Had they been back in Texas with nothing else on their plate, sneaking around would've been a thrill in their relationship. But with huge jewels, Snitch Gravel and the agency... It was just a pain in the ass.

And it wasn't fair because William didn't know him. They hadn't met before he disappeared, before Kay spent days crying, convinced that he was dead. Why did William hate him so much? Okay, he did knock him out, but that happened later.

"You know," William said, breaking hours of silence. "I think we're going around in circles."

"We're not," Kyle answered. "I've actually paid attention. The tunnel is just winded and very long."

William threw him a dirty look and Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me, you brat!"

"Okay, seriously, what's your problem?"

"Other than that you are violent and irresponsible and knocked me out?"

"When that happened you already didn't like me."

William raised his eyebrows. "What's there to like about you?"

"You don't seem to have a problem with anyone else." Kyle stopped in the middle of the tunnel and folded his arms across his chest. "So let's have it out."

"You're rash, you're irresponsible, you're brutish, you're..."

"No good for Kay?"

William stopped talking and tilted his head. "Why do you call Kathy Kay?"

"Because she likes it. Everyone calls her Kay now."

"Now?" William frowned. He looked at his boots and there seemed to be a fight going on inside him. "How long has it been?" he whispered.

Kyle bit his lip and couldn't believe he actually felt sorry for William. "Two years," he said quietly.

"Two years?" William screeched. Then he turned around and started mumbling to himself.

Kyle didn't know what to say and just waited awkwardly to be acknowledged again. What could you say to someone who's lost two years of their lives? And for what?

"Do you remember what happened?" he asked quietly.

William glared at him. "No. You tell me what happened. I only saw you once, but it was enough to know you're trouble. You and your fancy expensive motorcycle, bringing home girls that don't belong to you."

A rush of anger had Kyle shutting his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. He and Kay had both gotten so much shit for that one lift that it was starting to get really annoying. "Do you know why I brought Kay home that night?"

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