06.1|| Rapid Swirl

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Chapter Six

Rapid swirl

Sam knew what they had to do. Even if Herrison insisted they left right away, they couldn't inflate the rafts and set off now. It was late afternoon, so they'd have to walk to the river, set camp and take care of the sailing business the next morning.

"Hey Sam, should I leave William tied up, or should I release him?" Kyle asked.

"Kyle, how can you even ask something like that? Untie the man," Jerry said outraged.

"What if he runs away and gets lost?" Kyle asked

"I think we should free him," Jimmy said coming towards them followed by Rogers. "At least until we set up camp and go to bed. We'll tie him up for the night."

"Yeah, good idea!" Sam said pleased. "Mr. Rogers can keep an eye on him while he's free."

Mr. Rogers frowned, obviously not a big fan of Sam's idea. "Call me Jim," was all he said.

"O-kay," Sam answered picking up his rucksack. He struggled to put it on and almost fell on his back. It felt heavier if anything. "What did you pack in this thing, Jerry?"

"Basic stuff we had in the jungle and some things Herrison sent over. He's also added more stuff to our luggage before we departed," Jerry answered, struggling to equip his own huge rucksack.

"Will you stop moaning?" Kyle asked raising his rucksack with extreme ease and putting it on his back. "They're not that heavy."

"Oh, well, excuse me, Mister Super-strength," Tom mumbled, trying to regain his balance after burdening himself with Herrison's latest addition to their luggage.

"Strangely, I don't find my rucksack extremely heavy either," Jimmy said, running circles around Sam, already equipped.

"Well, you're strange then." Sam stuck his foot out.

Jimmy tripped and landed on his front, almost getting squished under his own weight. Sam bit his lip, looking at his brother apologetically. He'd been sure Jimmy would jump over his foot. Fortunately, Jimmy got on his hands and knees and laughed along with Tom and Billy.

Sam expected Kyle to laugh along too, but his brother stared at Jimmy with a slight frown on his face, as if he felt something was wrong. His look of concentration was broken when William raced past him and pushed him to the ground.

Kyle got to his hands and knees, swearing under his breath and for a moment, Sam thought he'd smack William, but instead he started searching inside his rucksack.

"Hey, look what I have here," he said causing William to stop running and look back at him. "It's a yummy chocolate bar," Kyle continued as though talking to himself. "Oh, this must taste great, and I am a little hungry. But who to share it with? Oh, William, would you like a taste out of this chocolate bar?"

Kyle didn't get to finish the sentence because William rushed to him and started jumping up and down with joy.

"Should I tie him up now?" Kyle asked holding the candy bar out of William's reach.

Sam fought a giggle directed more at Kyle for his childish idea than at William for falling for it. "I say you try reasoning with him over it. It would be hard to drag him around."

"Yeah, good point," Kyle agreed, throwing the candy bar to William who shoved it in his mouth and kept it in his cheeks like an overgrown, rugged chipmunk. "If you follow me, I'll give you another one," he said, heading towards the river.

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