05.2|| Company

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They'd just entered a dodgy bar filled with four square tables and mismatched chairs. The floor was dirty and Sam even though he saw a cobweb behind the wooden bar. There was no barman. Only one of the tables was occupied by Billy and two other men. Both had black hair, moustaches, looked to be well out of their teens, were rugged, and one of them, the one with the light blue eyes, had a strangely vacant expression, as if her was somewhere else entirely.

Herrison immediately headed for the table Billy and the two men shared, but Sam hesitated. In their briefing, Herrison had said the five of them were the only ones in on the mission. Yet, here was Billy and two other guys he'd never seen before.

Billy waved at them and Sam finally moved his butt to sit at the table. The others followed him and after pulling up a lot of chairs, managed to squeeze around the table. Moustache man who didn't seem crazy looked annoyed at having to bump elbows with Billy and Crazy moustache man, but kept quiet.

Herrison looked at everyone, but as was his annoying custom, he didn't open his damn mouth to say anything.

"Herrison, what's going on?" Kyle asked all of a sudden. "You said you were in a hurry. What's the all important thing you have to tell us?"

"Well... I do have something very important to tell you," Herrison said, but didn't continue.

Kyle gave him a look that screamed no shit, Sherlock, but didn't press any further. Sam waited for another few seconds, but nothing happened.

"Um, can you introduce us to your friends?" Jerry asked quietly.

"Oh, yes, they are your help," Herrison answered, but once again didn't elaborate, looking more cornered than ever.

Jerry looked from Herrison to the moustaches and back, but kept quiet.

"Okay, screw this," Sam burst out. "Tell us what the hell is going on."

"Sam," Jerry started, but Sam raised his hand to quiet him.

"Why did you have Billy asking around about the labs? And why did you pretend we're the only ones in on this mission?" he asked.

"Ok, it all comes to the labs. You see, they were once used for nuclear testing. This area is pretty remote and, if you ignore Magnet Town, unpopulated. Anyway, the project was shut down almost twenty years ago and the labs stood abandoned—"

"It's Snitch Gravel's main base," Jimmy cut across Herrison.

"Yes, it's Snitch Gravel's main base," Herrison agree.

"Why is the past relevant?" Jerry asked frowning.

"Because in order to get inside the labs, you'll need someone who knows the old layout," Herrison said, looking over to Crazy moustache man. "Rescuing our agent is only a part of your mission. I haven't been completely honest with you."

"We're not surprised Herrison, trust us," Sam said, already annoyed. "When have you ever come forward with the truth?"

Herrison looked affronted, but almost immediately deflated. He heaved a sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You're right, of course you are. Let's start from the beginning." He took in a deep breath. "After the whole jungle fiasco, they've pulled me off field work. I'm supposed to be your coordinator now. Sam, as far as actual missions go, you're in charge, and you know it. Now, I wasn't supposed to be here."

"What do you mean?" Jerry asked carefully.

"I mean I was supposed to send you off with what was in your folder. Did any of you bother to read them all?" Herrison looked at them expectantly.

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