19.2 || Undercover

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Jimmy rushed down the corridor clutching two very important items. A small remote control the turned off the electricity in the fence, and a ladder. To say he was worried would be an understatement. Because he wasn't. He was completely and utterly freaked out.

After one day spent as one of Von Crooken's braindead guards, he'd learned a lot. Especially that the only reason they were still alive was because Snitch Gravel wanted it that way. This was beyond anything they could imagine, let alone bring down.

There were smart people in this compound. A lot of them. Every one of Snitch Gravel's guards had looked at him suspiciously, even if they let him pass. Because there was a difference between Snitch Gravel's men and Von Crooken's. Mexico? Those had been mercenaries, most of them, there to make a quick buck. These guys? Not so much.

He reached the trap door, raised the ladder and knocked on it three times to alert the other that it was him. He then looked from left to right to make sure no one was around, then quickly climbed inside and pulled the ladder after him.

"What news?" Sam asked the moment the door closed behind Jimmy.

The others all gathered around him, expectantly.

"What's worse than worst?" he asked with a sigh. Sam paled and Jimmy regretted his choice of words. "No, it's not Tom. I haven't found him. Neither has Ron." He hesitated for a second, not sure how to phrase his thoughts. "We're seriously outgunned. More so than we ever thought."

Sam only frowned. Jerry buried his face in his hands. Kyle didn't look impressed, and for the first time, it annoyed Jimmy. Because this was serious. Kyle should be crapping his pants just like the rest of them.

"Von Crooken has a name. Nicholas Harkin. Snitch Gravel obviously has a name, too. No one knows what it is. Everyone here, and I mean everyone, has a codename. Because they're organized and efficient and I'm a little suspicious that they didn't find us yet."

"Well, shit," Sam mumbled.

"Sam!" Jerry said, but the rest of his lecture was a groan. "Why is he toying with us like this?"

Jimmy shrugged. He didn't know either, but it scared the shit out of him. "Von Crooken and Cannon are the only ones except for Snitch Gravel who know where Tom is. I followed Cannon and he disappeared inside the room with the cage. My guess is there's a secret door there."

"Cannon?" Sam asked, disgust in his voice. "So like Snitch Gravel. Are you sure he's not dead?"

Jimmy hesitated. "We can't be one hundred percent sure, but if he were, there would be rumors or a shift in the atmosphere or something. And Cannon wouldn't still be going to take care of him, whatever the hell that means."

Sam nodded, biting his lip, his thoughts probably rampaging. Jimmy pursed his lips trying with all his might not to look at Angie. He didn't want to see her worry, the pain in her eyes, the possible tears on her face. "Snitch Gravel doesn't mingle with his men much. There's also a huge difference between Snitch Gravel's guards and Von Crooken's. Von Crooken has more, but they're a rather moronic bunch. Of course they all follow Snitch Gravel's orders... I just thought you should know."

Sam nodded absently, his eyes unfocused.

"What about Ron?" Angie asked, and Jimmy involuntarily looked to her. There were no tears, just pure determination.

"What about Ron?" he asked.

"His rank. Can he be trusted?"

"His rank is uncertain. I do think we can trust him. He's been bugging Snitch Gravel directly about Tom."

"We have to get out of here." Sam got to his feet and moved to the bookcase. He pulled a rolled up map out and spread it on the floor before them. "There's an air vent right under us. We should try to cut a hole in the floor or something."

"I agree," Jimmy said. "It's only a matter of time until they find us. We should get to work."


They heard everything from their new hiding spot. Ron hurrying over, the excitement in his voice when he announced that he'd finally found out where Tom was, Von Crooken's men tackling him and dragging him away.

Sam was more grateful than ever that he'd gone with his gut. The moment the goons finished searching the little room and moved away, they'd come out of the air vent.

"There's no point in lingering," Sam said calmly.

Everything that had happened lately left him numb. He couldn't focus on the risks, not anymore, because there was no safety. Just a false sense of security that had died the moment Jimmy came back. Whatever they did next, it was just another move in the chess game between them and Snitch Gravel. A move that wouldn't end the game. But he'd decided that he was going to do this. Risk everything to do the right thing.

"Tom is obviously in the cage room," he continued. "Let's go tear it apart until we find him."

The others nodded and they moved towards the prison. It was blissfully empty and quiet. Ron's betrayal hadn't sounded the alarm yet, which was perfect. They still had time. Maybe minutes, but it was more than enough. Because Sam's eyes picked on something that hadn't been there before.

He moved to the wall and turned off the light. The room was plunged in darkness for a few seconds. But then, they all saw it. The thin line of light behind one of the walls.

Hurried footsteps made their way down the corridor. Like they had one mind, Kyle and Jimmy posted themselves in front of Sam, assuming combat position. The others copied their move, leaving Sam to figure out how to open the wall.

It was finally time to get Tom out of there.

Short and sweet this time. But it's about to go down. Is Tom still alive? Will they actually find him or did Snitch Gravel predict their attempt? And what will happen to Ron now that he's captured?

You'll find out soon enough.

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