Chaptet 7

700 12 3

Alice's PoV

I followed Hannah to the garden, examining the manor as we went alone it. When we got there I saw Alois. He turned to face me

"Wow, it suits you" he laughed. I pulled the top down, trying to cover up more of my legs.

"I've sent Claude out to get you some cloths, don't worry, he should be back soon" Alois said looking behind me. I nodded. I still had no idea why he was being so nice to someone like me. I was concerned "scum of the earth" but someone like him was caring for someone like me. Alois grabbed hold of my hand

"Come on, let me show you around" he said in that cheery voice and of course I followed.

~~some time later~~

"Wow it really is a big and beautiful place" I smiled. Alois nodded. Claude them came beside Alois. Causing me to shiver slightly

"I have set up your cloths in your room miss Alice" Claude said in that mono tone voice which was slightly freaky

"Thank you, I'll go change now then" I said and started to walk off

"Why? You look good wearing my clothes" I felt myself blush alittle but carried on walking.

When I made it back to my room, after a while and getting lost, I went straight to the wardrobe to look at my cloths. I saw many dresses that looked expensive and grand. I smiled as I flicked though them. Picking one was going to be hard.

I was debating on which one out of a black lace one or a blue satin.

"Black lace would look stunning on you" I herd a voice from behind me, causing me to jump

"A-Alois" I stumbled out in confusing

"Sorry, just wanted to check you were doing well" he said and turned away and started taking long big steps back

"Go for black lace, food will be ready soon" he said with a wink before leaving. I felt my heart flutter abit and my knees go weak at that wink, but I kept it on the inside and started to change into the black lace dress.

I looked in the mirror. It actually looked really good on me and complemented my figure. The dress though, reminded me of a spiders web, making me feel slightly like a trapped fly.

i then left the room and made my way down the the dinning room. I was greeted by Alois

"You look stunning" he smiled. I thanked him and sat down. Claude told us the name of the food but I didn't care for that I just wanted to eat it.

The food was really good but I struggled eating it. The thought of Elliot and mother. How I was suppose to be eating this with them. How they were gone. I kept fathers words in mine but it hurt. The pain was unbearable. Losing your world.

"Something the matter?" Alois asked. I looked up and shook my head. I didn't want to speak because I knew if I did I could let my emotions seek out.

He did look at me concerned but he carried on eating as did I

When we had finished I felt the fullest I had ever felt. It's was beginning to get dark outside and I realised I needed to get to my job.

"Alois" I said. He looked at me with a eyebrow raised


" I need to get to work now, or-" he cut me off

"Your not ever going back there, I don't want you going though that anymore okay, I've gotton Claude it sort it out for you" he said with a stern tone. I nodded. But where was I suppose to work now

" and befor you ask, you don't ever need to work again, I have more than enough money" he said frailing his arms.

"No I can't do that" I said rejecting his offer.

"No, no, please" he said in a lighter tone. I sighed before smiling

"Thank you" I whispered

"No problem" he then took a hold of my arm "let's go and look at the stars"

I wonder how his voice changed from down to cheery in 5 seconds flat

Maybe he had felt and delt which so much he numbed out emotion too

Or he was bipolar

Or both

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