Chapter 19

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Alice's PoV

"a letter has arrive for you your highness" Claude said over tea in that scary emotion less voice. I stopped eating as I watched Alois use his knife to slice though the red stamp. He lifted it up to his face and skimmed his eyes over

"Ciel phantomhive has invited us to a ball, in celebration of our engagement" Alois said with a raided eye brows

Alois PoV

What the hell was ciel up to. I knew he had some plan. Was he jealous that he's stuck with that annoying ass bitch Lizzie while I'm with the most beautiful girl in the world. I turned to Claude

"We're going, only to see what Ciels up to, make sure he doesn't try anything funny" I growled in a low whisper to Claude. Trying to make sure Alice didn't hear

Alice's PoV

I took another bite of chicken before looking up to seeing Claude say

"Yes, your highness". Alois then turned back to me with a giant smile

"We're going, says its tomorrow night" he gleamed

"Why is ciel throwing us an engagement ball?" I asked. I could tell they both had bad vibes and ciel didn't seem that friendly

"Lizzys idea, she's likes you a lot you see and wanted to do something nice for her good friend, Claude I'm ready for that cheesecake" alois said in a rushed voice, like he was hiding something.

"Okay, sounds like fun" I smiled as Claude took my plate away. I mean I hadn't finished eating but alois had made it clear he was ready for desert. As that plate was taken away I felt a little piece inside of me die (😭hold back the tears)

We waited for Claude to bring the food out and Alois was looking at me

"Just, when we go, stay away from ciel, stay near me okay" Alois said in a stern tone

"Okay" I replied confused. I knew Alois had a grudge against ciel and maybe he was worried ciel was going to steal me from him

"If your worrid that I'll run off with ciel, don't be, I love you and you only" I reassured him as Claude brought back blueberry cheesecake. I saw Alois's face light up

"And your not going to leave me" he said reaching his hand out. I lent over the table and grabbed it

"Not In a thousand years"

Me and Alois ate our cheesecake in silence and it was really good. It filled up the empty void that had been created when Claude took away my plate. The silence was broken by alois.  He started making scary noises which I couldn't identify. He was breathing in a lot and making sounds like a mating whale. I got a little scared and Alois stood up and started frailing his body around, carrying on with the strange noises

"Alois, are you okay" I asked, lifting myself up from the seat a little

Claude didn't seem to take much note. Soon alois stopped and froze. He looked me in the eyes and sneezed. Compared the that massive build up that was a weak sneeze. I let out a sigh and sat back down. Alois sat back down and composed himself.

"So Alice, how's the cheesecake"

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