Chapter 8

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Alice's PoV

We were in the garden. The sky was fully dark now and clear of clouds.

Most nights the clouds infested the sky, blocking the stars away from my view but this night it was clear.

Alois pulled me over to a certain patch.

"This is the best for seeing the stars" he said and plonked himself down on the grass. I sat down aswell.

He was right. It was a really good view of the stars. Twinkling in the darkness

After a while I felt something touch my hand. I looked down to see it was Alois, he kept his state glued to the sky

"No ones going to hurt you now" I herd him whisper. I couldn't help but smile. No one had ever told me that. I had mainly been told the opposite.

After a while Alois yawned and turned to me

"I think it's time for bed, I'll send Hannah up to help you get ready" he said standing up before then helping me up.

He went off his direction with Claude and Hannah came and took me back to my room

"It's okay, I can get myself ready, please" I smiled. Hannah nodded

"Certainly" she then left. I walked to the bed where I saw a folded up gown.

I got changed then got my self in bed. I layed still, thinking about today. It had been a crazy day. I turned onto my side and closed my eyes. Images of today just flooding my mind.

No PoV

Both layed in bed, the clock had just stuck past midnight and both appeared to be sleeping soundly from the outside, but On the inside horrific images of both pasts were drowning them.

Tick tick

Soon both had had enough of the torturous images running though their mind, with fear and horror filling their minds both, in unison shot up from their safe haven (bed) and, with a racing heart and face drenched in sweat let out a ear piercing scream, like a duet of birds singing, apart from this song was full of fear and dread (what the hell am I even writing)

Alice's PoV

Overlapping my screaming was a much higher pitch, little girl type screen. Maybe another little girl was being stolen from the streets.

As my eyes adjusted I realised I wasn't in my bed. Mother and Elliot weren't near. I was in Alois house. I stopped screaming and ran out of bed, just to make sure alois was okay. As I was running down the corridor I saw Alois running  in my directions. When he was near he grabbed me into s hug but we ended up falling to the floor.

"Are you okay" he asked, though tears, moving my hair from my face

"I'm fine, are you okay" I asked shakily. He hugged me

"Yeah, just a" he paused and whispers "a nightmare".

"Me too" I sighed.  We sat in silence for abit, a few sniffles now and then as we tried to calm down

"Want to sleep with me for the rest of the night, just so you feel safety" he asked, actually care in his voice, not that fake care which makes you shiver. This made me feel warm and safe


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