Chapter 28

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Alice's PoV

My chest was starting to slow down and my breathing steadied. I looked around at the scene of the dead monsters on the floor. Smeared in their own blood. I smiled as i enjoyed the few. They were dead. They were finally dead. The bastards got what they had coming for them and it felt fantastic. Just looking at their dirty faces reminded me of what sick bastards they were. Even though they had aged abit I still knew each what and what they had done to me. Alois came walking over. He has blood splattered over him

"Wasn't that fun" he said in that cheery voice. I nodded

"Yes, wait I have an idea" I said. Alois looked interested

"Go on" he said as he avoided stepping on the man who one beated a boy to death infront of me.

"Let's set the place on fire, their bodies should have been burnt to ashes in the first fire, so let's do it now, plus it gets rid of evidence" I suggested. Alois's eyes lit up

"Why not" Alois said in that dark voice. Claude founded some matches and alcohol.

Me and Alois poured the alcohol everywhere until it was all gone. Then we went to the doorway. Alois handed me to matches

"You should do it" he smiled. I lit a match and took one final glance at the bastards before throwing in the match.

Everything just lit up almost instantly and we made our way swiftly back to the carriage. Once inside I took one final glance back and smiled.

Justice had been served and it had never felt so good.

"This isn't going to come off easily" I laughed looking down at my dress now socked in Crimson

"Keep its as a suvanear" Alois said.

"I think I will" I said. I turned to the window and watched as the place when up in smoke. I really hope I did the other children justice. I knew some went though much worse then I had.

"You needed to get revenge on anyone" I asked Alois.

Alois's PoV

Ciel phantomhive. He was my answer. I still needed to make him mine, but I didn't want her involved in all of that, unless I needed her to.

"No" I answered. She nodded.

"Not even ciel" she whispered. I froze and looked at her

"Ciel had another thing coming to him, don't worry" I said sinister. She nodded and looked out the window.

"Shall we do something to celebrate, maybe a picnic" she suggested.

"Yes, sounds good" Alois said, clasping his hands together 

Authors pov

God I hate this plot so much. Sorry the chapter was sort I litrally have 0 ideas. I know where I want to story to go just no idea how to get it there

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