Chapter 30

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Alice's PoV

I was getting dressed up again. I couldn't believe I just did that, just for his attention but it worked. I had his attention for a little while and that's honestly all I wanted. I'm not sure if he was even taken in what I said or not but now I had an action plan.

Since I had nothing else planned for the day I decided I might go down into town. With Alois ignoring me my days were pretty boring. 

I had just finished organising my dress when I felt another strange pain in my stomach. I had been having these for a while and along with being sick almost every morning. I think I had caught a bug or something. I might while out go and see a doctor.

I then left the bedroom and went to go out, I didn't bother telling Alois as I knew he wouldn't care.

ERGH. It just upset me so much how much he changed. When we both wake up screaming instead of comforting me he just tells me to get back to sleep and to shut up. And when he wakes up and I try to comfort him he just ingors me and tells me to leave him alone.


once in town I was walking around a few shops when I ran into Lizzy

"Alice" she squeeled and ran over. ERGH fuck off. I wasn't in the mood for her high pitch voice or even seeing her since she reminded me of ciel.

"I haven't seen you since that night, how are things" she asked in an concerted yet high voice.

"Good, no thanks to ciel " I replied in a bitchy tone. Lizzy looked taken back and sighed

"I swear if I knew what he was going to do I would have stopped him" Lizzy whispered

"Really? Do you tell yourself that so you can sleep at night?" I said getting definitive. I knew I was being a tiny bit mean to her even though she didn't have much to do with this but she just pissed me off.

"Alice..." She whispered in that sad tone

"Lizzy,'your fiancé tried to kill my husband, I don't think I can look at you the same anymore" I spat. Lizzy suddenly got really defensive

"You stabbed my fiancé in the leg, I didn see that before blacking out" she said In a darker tone

"Yeah, because he tried to ducking kill mine, it was reflex, I fucking got glass in nearly all of my body" I yelled. I tried to keep my voice down. I saw Lizzy had a few tears in her eyes

"I'm sorry ciel and alois aren't friends, but that shouldn't change our friendship" she sighed

"We aren't friends, we never will be, just leave me alone Liz-" I then felt another pain in my stomach and stopped and lent over slightly

"Are you okay?" She asked in an unsure whisper. I nodded as I composed my self

"I'm just a little sick, I'm find, I'm off to see a doctor" I said gathering myself back up. Lizzy looked down and back at me

"I can't take you if you wa-" she started but I cut her off

"No, you and your big pink dress can fuck off now" I said and then barged past her. That felt good. I carried on walking further down. There was a doctor not far so I'm sure it wouldn't do much harm to walk it.

I reached the road and began to cross when suddenly I herd wheels, a shout and felt a impact before black.

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