Chapter 27

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Alice's PoV

So apparently. The surviving men went off to the north to carry on their drug business, they are still there, but they stopped using children since getting them became too difficult so they started to use different methods such as hiding them in other things.

I have no idea how Claude managed that but I was just so thankful.

"Ready to get revenge" Alois said standing him. I nodded

"Yes, I want them to die, every last one of them"


We were in the carriage. Me and Alois has gotten ourselves a few "murder weapons" I guess you could call them, and where on our way to go and kill some bastards. The ride was going to be long which wasn't too bad. I mean it gave me time to think about what they did and build up the rage to make sure the job is done correctly. Not only was I getting vengeance for myself but also of  the others they ripped the childhood away from. Dead or Alive.

"Can't believe we are married now" Alois laughed. I turned to face him.

"I know, it's crazy, I never thought I'd ever get married" I laughed

"I never though I'd get a girl like you, a girl who I actually loved" he smiled and grabbed hold of my hand.

"I never thought anyone like you would love a girl like me, being grand and all and me being literally scum" I said in a jokey tone. Alois laughed a little

"Your not scum, you were an abused sole who even after going though hell still helped others and put yourself last,when most would turn into selfish brats" Alois said, he gritted his teeth at the ending. I smiled

"Thank you" I whispered. The carriage went over a bump and I was flying into Alois. Landing right ontop of him. I was going to get off but Alois pulled me back down and with a smirk said

"No need to be easy, we have met before" he whispered seductivly refuring to what he said the first time this happened.

(And we shall let your imagination run wild as we do a time shift, maybe play some music to set the mood)

Claude's PoV

If they carry on at this rate the carriage was surly going to knock over (😉)


Alice's PoV

Well that was a first. Me and Alois then gathered ourselves back to normal and sorted ourselves out before the carriage came to a hault.

"We have arrived" Claude said as he opened the door. Alois started to get up but I pulled him back

"Can we just wait a second" I asked. Claude nodded and shut the door. I looked out the window. It was a grubby area. Dirty and littered with broken glass and I saw a few rats. Lovely

"What's wrong" Alois asked

"I just want to build up the angry to get this done properly, we only get one shot okay, I want it to count (you only got one shot, so make it count, you may never get this moment again)" I said. I knew it may sound a little silly but I really wanted to let all the angry I had about this out.

When I had reached the top of my angry meter I was ready. Me and Alois got out the carriage. I wasn't scared at all, just ready.

We walked further down into an ally. It's smelt like pee and vomit but I honesty gave O fucks. We reached a door

"They should be behind here your highness" Claude said in a monotone voice.

"Excellent, Alice are you ready" Alois asked. I nodded and pulled out the two knifes I had been storing in my dress

"I'm ready"

Authors pov

Not going to lie but I hate this chapter. I had writers block and this was the only plot I could think off but I hate it.

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