Chapter 21

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Alois PoV

"Remember Claude, keep watch out and make sure that he doesn't try anything funny" I hissed at Claude as we waited for Alice. Hopefully she won't fall down the stairs this time. I then herd footstep coming and a faint bang followed my an ouch. Then Alice came into view. I felt my jaw drop. She was wearing a light blue dress that frilled out at the bottom and has sequins at the top. Claude had good fashion choices. Hannah had curled her hair and put it into a lose bun and stick a few clips in with crystal flowers on. She looked stunning. She walked down the stairs, watching her step so she won't fall and then made it to the bottom

"I banged my toe" she laughed as I took hold of her arm and we walked to the carriage.

Alice's pov

We finally arrived at Ciels manor. Alois helped me out and grabbed hold of my hand

"Don't leave my side, okay" he said in a stern voice

"Okay, I wasn't planning to" I laughed a little but soon realised how serious Alois was. I squeezed his hand to reassure him then we walked inside.

Ciels pov

"Remember lizzy, asked Alice to see the garden" I reminded her. I needed to get Alois alone. She nodded and then Sebastian spoke

"Master, Alois and Alice have arrived"

Prepaid to die, alois trancy

Alice's PoV

Ciel walked up to his with Lizzy and his butler. I felt hold my hand tighter and pulled me back a bit.

"Ciel" Alois said in a dark tone
"Alois" ciel said in a similar tone. Ciel looked at Lizzy

"Oh yeah" Lizzy then turned to me

"Come on Alice, I want to show you the garden, we have some beautiful flowed in it" she squeezed in that high pitch voice and pulled my other arm. Alois kept hold of my hand.

"Alois, I want to chat with you in private aswell" ciel said. I felt Alois grip loosen and he sighed

Alois PoV

I guess ciel can't hurt her if she's with Lizzy, and I have Claude to protect me. I followed ciel and lagged behind so I was with Claude

"Make sure him or Sebastian doesn't try anything" I growled.

We had walked all the way to Ciels library and I started to feel uneasy.

"What did you want to talk about" I asked

Alice's pov

"And these are my favourite" Lizzy smiled pointing over at some pink ones. I started shaking my leg. I felt uneasy and I wanted to go back to Alois. I saw some roses and walked over to them

"These are really nice" I said as I approached them. I noticed they were outside a large window. I looked at the window and saw Alois and ciel. Ciel was talking to Alois. I watched. Lizzy came over

"They are pretty" she said but I Ingored her. I was too busy watching Alois and ciel. Something was wrong. I could feel it. I knew what danger felt like and this felt like danger. I then saw ciel put his hand behind his back and Sebastian put something in his hand. Alois hadn't noticed. Ciel moved his hand and I saw what he had in his hand.


I didn't know what to do, no way was I going to be able to run all the way inside to stop them. I backed up alittle and saw ciel get himself into position.

What happened next was just crazy. I ran full speed at the window and smashed though it, I guess the fear gave me the strength to do that. I could feel the shards of glass stuck in me and the blood pouring. But I didn't care. Ciel was shocked to see me and in result he stabbed the knife right into Alois stomach. Alois screamed and fell back and Claude ran to aid Alois. I got close and Alois had began to spit up blood and was holding his wound while shaking. Ciel and Sebastian just looked really shocked. I noticed the knife had dropped out of Alois and was laying on the floor. I lifted up the knife in anger and threw it at ciel.

I got him in the leg. Close enough. I turned to Alois who was started to scream in pain.

I knew them screams. They were too familiar.

"Claude, we need to help me now" I screamed. Claude wasn't looking like he was trying to help. He was just looking intensely at Alois blood. Was he scared or something. Lizzy came in and screamed before fainting. I ripped off some of my dress and pushed it into Alois wound

"I don't want to die, it's hurt so bad" Alois screamed

"I know, I know, just hang on okay, the stab isn't too bad, just hold on" I reassured him trying to hold back tears. I noticed Sebastian had taken that bastard ciel away.

"a-Alice you have glass in you, and your bleeding" Alois whispered lifting his bloody hand up slightly

"It doesn't matter" I said "you matter right now, come on we need to get you back"

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