Chapter 33

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Alice's PoV

"AND YOU DIDNT EVEN TELL ME"  Alois screamed

"YOU DIDNT GIVE ME CHANCE TO, YOU JUST LEFT, LIKE ALWAYS" I screamed back. Alois just looked so full of rage but soon breathed him self down to calmness.

"I've just been busy, I have other things I need to spend time on, important things" he whispered, running his hands though his hair. I lowered my breathing

"I understand that, but you act distance, i-" I started to say in a stern voice but Alois just walked off. I stopped talking and just stood there. My throat burned and i felt tears.

I had too options.

Sell my self to Alois or go to ciel for support

But love makes you do stupid things, love conquers all no matter how evil. And of course I was picking Alois over ciel. I needed to speak to him.

I sorted my self out and then went to Alois study. I walked inside and Alois just groaned

"What Now Alice" he grunted. I just carried on walking towards him till I was right in front of him. I did the same as before, placing a leg over his lap before sitting

"We need to talk" I said in that seductive voice and began to run my hands on his shoulders. He stopped what he was doing and put all his attention on me

"Now what do you need to talk about" he asked

"The baby" I whispered as he lifted me on to the desk.

Alois PoV

I froze. Everything instantly hit me.

I was having a child, but I won't be able to get attacked as I have a contract. You see I have been distancing my self from Alice for many reasons but the first one is I know my contact is ending soon and I don't want her or me to feel too effected by it. Plus I have Others more important things to sort out.

I'll just go with what she's wants to hear. But I know how this ends, I have a plan.

Alice PoV

Alois froze, looked deep in thought then carried on. I sighed a little and then went back into the act.


Ciels PoV

"I want Alois dead" I growled slamming my hand on the table

"My lord, are you catching feelings for the younge lady, you seem to care awfully much about her, do remember you are engaged to lady Elizabeth" Sebastian said, pouring out some tea for me.

"No of course not" I spluttered lifting up my tea.  "I just can't stand to see a girl with a hard past get hurt like that, Especially not by Alois" (I just realised Ciels like 16 in this...let's just pretend he's not) I said taking a sip.

"What ever you say younge Lord, now would you like your scone with strawberry jam or raspberry jam " Sebastian asked

"Strawberry" I muttered as I took another sip. My wind whizzing about Alice and how I was going to end Alois.

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