Chapter 16

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Alice's PoV

I had woken up before Alois for the first time in forever (#frozen). I turned over to him. He was twitching alittle, I guess he was having a nightmare or something but I found it cute. I knew I should wake him but I really needed to pee. I climbed out of the bed and rushed out to the bathroom.

"Miss, a letter came for you" Hannah sad as I passed her. A letter? For me? Who from? I know no one. Maybe it was Wendy, maybe she found where I was now and wanted updates.

"Okay, I'll just go to the toilet first" I smiled and ran off.

When I was done I walked out and went to look for Hannah. I walked back to the bedroom where I herd voices inside

"Don't make me rip out the other eye" I herd alois say in a dark voice. Wait WHAT. did I hear him correctly. No no. The thins wall twisted his words and my tired mind was playing tricks on me. I walked in and saw Alois glaring with disgust at Hannah who was sorting out the pillow

"Oh, morning Alice, your up early" Alois said in that cheery voice which was raspy as he had just woken up

"Yeah, erm Hannah can I have my letter now" I asked looking at her. She nodded

"Certainly, I'll be right back" Hannah said with a weak smiled and left

"What letter?" Alois asked sitting himself up

"I have no idea, Hannah just informed me of it" I shrugged and sat on the bed next to him. He growled a little. I have to admit the more time I have spent with Alois he seemed to showing signs of weirdness, but it didn't stop me from loving him. Sometimes I acted abit like that too. I can't judge him.

"Who would be sending you a letter" he said in that thinking tone

"Maybe it someone I use to work with" I whispered. I turned to Alois. His icy eyes made me shiver.

"Okay" he said in a hushed voice and stood up.
"Oh, I thought about the wedding, let's do it as soon as possible, I just can't wait for us to be bonded together" he cheered. Again with the bipolar behaviour

"I like that idea" I smiled and Hannah walked back in with the letter.

Alois pov

Finally. No more judgment. I'll have a wife. I love her, I really do, she's everything I want and more. I watched as she opened the letter. She skinned her eyes along it then went Pale. I walked over to her but she fell to the floor.


You can't run but you wants hide. I know where you are now Alice. We played hide and seek for so long, but now, now my darling I know where you are, and I'm coming for you, you are mine and mine only, no matter how much the others pay you, your mine

See you soon sweet cheeks


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