Chapter 10

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Alice's PoV

After what felt like forever of getting ready I was finally ready. I'm not going to lie but I looked amazing, Hannah had done an amazing job at putting my outfit together as well as helping with hair and makeup.

"Thank you" I smiled as I inspected my back from the mirror

"You look beautiful, I'm sure young master will be most pleased" she said, evening out the bottom of the dress.

We then left the room together and I herd Alois call for me

"Alice we need to go now" I started to walked after and I reached the top of the stairs

Alois pov

I watched in amaze as Alice appeared at the top of the stairs and made her way down. She looked absolutely stunning. I had to hold my jaw from dropping but I couldn't. She was just too beautiful. She smiled and then tipped over and fell down the stairs. I was pretty funny to be honest and also kept my *wink* *wink* at bay. I ran over to help her and Claude followed. She looked up at me

"I killed the moment didn't I" she laughed. I helped her stand up

"No, you made it more bare able" which was too. I honestly felt, as she was walking down the stairs, like my heart was going to burst at any point

Alice's pov

Well I fell down the stairs, at such a beautiful moment, plus it also really hurt but Alois, for some reason, made me not care about the pain. Alois and Claude helped me back up and we made our way to the carriage.

I was excited. I was going to a ball. A real ball. I had always dreamed of this moment and now it was coming true. I was looking out of the window into the starry night. It was truly beautiful.

Alois pov

I was watching Alice looking out side the window (like a stalker) and then she turned to me

"It's such a beautiful sight" She smiled in amazement turning her view back out the window. She was looking at the most beautiful thing in her world but I was looking at the most beautiful thing in mine. I felt a smile creep apon my lips.

Alice's PoV

We soon arrived at a manor a little smaller than Alois's. Claude helped me out and Alois wrapped his arm around mine. We then began to walk inside.

Once inside it was amazing. People were everywhere and everything was just as I imagined it, grand and glorious. Alois whispered something to Claude and Claude replayed. I had no idea what it was and to be honest I didn't care.

Soon someone walked over. He had navy hair, a blue suit on and a eyepatch with a butler behind him. He looked very sad and serious, it made me slightly nervous

"Alois" the stranger said
"Ciel" Alois said, his voice slightly bitter. Wait ciel. Ciel from whe Alois was dreaming.
"This is Alice" alois said, taking hold of my hand. Ciel looked at me, with that expression less face

"Pleasure to meet you Alice, I'm ciel phantomhive, and this is my butler Sebastian" he said and shook my hand. I was going to say something but a girl with blond curly hair came running over

"CIELLLLLL" she called. I saw ciel roll his eye and sighed

"This is lizzy" he said in an slightly annoyed voice

"Ciels fiancé" Alois said, I noticed he was glaring at ciel. But why

"And who is this" the girl who I gathered was call Lizzy squeeled in a high pitch voice

"This is Alice" Alois said.

"How lovely to meet you, love your dress it's so pretty" (yeah yeah fuck off now Lizzy) she squeeled. God that was irratating. I smiled and thanked her before Alois took my arm and walked is away.

"Stay away from him" Alois said sternly

"Okay" I said, confused at why, I mean he seemed harmless

Ciels PoV

"Sebastian, find out about Alice, I feel like Alois is up to something"

"Yes, my Lord"

Alice's pov

Me and Alois hung out and danced for a bit before sitting out and having a little brake

"So are you having a good time" he asked. I nodded

"Yes, I'm having a wonderful time, can I use the bathroom real quick"

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