Chapter 20

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Alice's PoV

The day soon came to an end and I had just gotten ready for bed. Alois told me he had some stuff to sort out so he wouldn't be coming to bed, but reassured me that he'll be here if I need him. I didn't mind at all. I thanked Hannah for her help and she left. I then climbed into bed. I tired to keep my mind focused on the wedding, but we all know, darkness is more powerful than light.

Dream world

"I do" Alois smiled down at me

"You may now kiss the bride"

Just as Alois lent forwards I felt an arm pull me back. I turned around to see a deformed Marco. He was covered in blood and flesh was dangling from his skinned face. He started to run while pulling me. Ciel stood up and ripped off my dress and I turned into a little girl. Marco pushed me to a fat greasy man

"She's perfect" he smiled in a sick voice before grabbing me and pushing though a dark door way where I started to fall

Fall into the darkness.

Dream over

The feeling of falling made me wake up in a sweat. No screams. My eyes soon adjusted to the darkness and the room came into focus. I turned around to see Alois laying next to me.

I smiled and felt comforted. I moved closer to him and shut my eyes again.

Just praying the Nightmare wouldn't continue.


After being asleep for what felt like a while I felt some hands grab hold of me

"i don't want to die" I herd Alois whimper. I shot open my eyes and turned to him.

"Alois, your not going to die" I whispered hugging him awake. I noticed he looked at his stomach and grabbed it. Like he was stabbed. I pushed his chin up and kissed him on the nose

"It's okay" I whispered. He nodded and I wiped away a few falling tears. He then layed back down and I did the same.

"Why don't the nightmares go away" Alois sighed as I shut my eyes. I opened then back up

"Maybe the world is just reminding us of what use to be, so we can appreciate what we have now" I calmly whispered

"But everything here reminds Me" he sighed and rolled over. What did he mean? Did he mean that this place reminds him of his past. But why. I was still really curious but it will All be reviled in good time.

We both fell asleep pretty quickly.


I woke up and surprise surprise Alois was gone. I rolled back over and remembered today was the day of the ball. I was looking forward to it, I was just a little nervous as Alois seemed off about it all and I have to admit a little part of me felt like something was up, but it did seem like something lizzy would do. I climbed out of bed as Hannah walked in

"Your finally up" Hannah said, she sounded like she was trying to put on a jokey voice but she still sounded depressed.

"Wait, how long I have been asleep for" I asked, looking frantically around for a clock

"Well it's Early afternoon now, master sent me to wake you so you can start getting ready" she said, walking over to the wardrobe. Wow had I really been asleep that long.

I walked over to Hannah so I could start getting ready.

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