Chapter 25

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Alice's pov

That was amazing. Normally when I did it for work I felt nothing, I mean I had to or it would just be too much for me to bear but with Alois I felt something, and it was amazing too.

"Sweet dreams" I whispered to Alois as he blew out the candles.

"Or a beautiful nightmare" (yes I just did) he whispered back, climbing back into bed and wrapping his arm around me 


"Right, let's see what's inside of you love" a man with a thick accent said as he tied me down to that metal slab. He lifted up my top where my long scar was and looked at it

"Wow, how many trip have you done, it's almost like a chunk of ya is gone" he  said as he lifted up his scalpel. I knew the pain and knew I couldn't escape all I could do was scream and just pray that God was going to save me this time

He made an incision and "ARERER....

Dream over

AARRGGJHH" i screamed and shot up in a sweat. Alois shot up too. I placed my hand on that scar and ran my finger along it and sighed.

"What's wrong, what happened" Alois asked. I guess I should tell him. Now our relation ship had excelled this far he was going to find out sooner or later. I sighed

"I need to tell you something" I whispered. Alois grabbed hold of my hand

"Tell me"

"When my father died, I was kidnapped, and sold in some market, a bunch of men bought me and took me back to where they lived I guess" I felt a tear fall as I knew where my story was heading. Alois wiped it away "they had other children there too, bare in mind I was 6, they used the children to transport drugs you see, and I was one. I saw a kid who was dead and loads pale and lifeless. Them men did horrific things to us on side of the drugs. They would beat us and starve us and other sinful things, some men even forced the children to fight each other, like wild animals, but the ones who died were lucky. The ones who were alive would have bags of drugs stuffed down their throats or" I took a massive deep breath in and began to shake. I felt the tears just roll with no sign of stopping down my face "cut them opend and stick them inside, like what I went though, for 6 years. They were suprised I could make it this far" I sobbed and lifted up my nighty and showed Alois the scar "this is the result of 6 years of drug trafficking, this is what I have nightmares about" I whispered and covered it back up. I saw Alois's Eyes look saddens yet angry

"How did you escape" he asked

"The place burnt down, but I know some of those bastards are alive, and I hope that one day I will find them, and kill them for what they did to me" I spat. I saw Alois's face twist into a small smile

"I can help with that" I herd him say. I smiled at him then rememberd he has nightmares. He has a dark past

"Okay, I've told you my story, now tell me mine, I know you have one Alois and how we are married I think you should spill all" I said and sat crossed legged on the bed.

"I guess your right, and hey it's abit like yours"

Alois pov

I shoulder tell her. She can't judge. I'll just leave out the part about Claude and the contract. She didn't need to know that much.

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