Chapter 22

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Alice's pov

"How are you feeling" I asked Alois climbing In bed next to him. Both of us got our wounds sorted and were honestly just ready to go to sleep

"Good, how are you feeling" he asked. I looked down at all the bandages I had

"I'm good, I'm just glad Ciels stab wasn't fatel" I said, looking at Alois bandage. He signed and pulled the covers over himself and turned to me. He ran he hand over my face, avoiding the cuts

"I can't believe you jumped though a window for me" Alois whispered

"I know, I panicked, I don't think I could cope losing you" I smiled and grabbed hold of his hand. I kissed him goodnight and we both turned over to sleep


I was woken. Not by a nightmare but by a off feeling. I sat up and the bed felt slightly wet. I had no light apart from the moon light and even then that wasn't enough. I allowed my eyes to adjust before investigating. As my eyes adjusted I noticed that the bed was a darker colour, like a dark red, at Alois's side. I felt my heart pound and I ripped back the covers and saw blood everywhere. Alois wound must have leaked. I screamed for Help before leaning over Alois. He was pale and lifeless

"Come on Alois, please, come on wake up" I begged and started to shake him. He was cold. I felt more tears fall as I took him harder

"ALOIS PLEASE" I screamed "don't leave me alone" I whispered and rested my head on his body. Hannah and Claude and the triplets came running in.

"Take Alice out" Hannah said to the triplets.

"What no" I protested as the three grabbed hold of me and started to drag me out.

Ciels PoV

"Your leg will heal soon, master, her careless throw made her aim off" Sebastian said as he changed the bandage

"She ran throw a window to save him" I said thinking. Why would she do that. Did Alois really mean that much to her

"I know, she made one hell of a mess, but being one hell of a butler I'm sure I can have it mended by tomorrow" Sebastian said finishing off the bandage

"I just don't understand their bond" I sighed as Sebastian started to unbutton my shirt (kinky😏)

"They are both from similar background, their bond is built from past experiences, both can help the other" Sebastian said. I mean I suppose he was correct. But I knew Alois. He will turn horrible to her. He's like a rose.

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