Chapter 29

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Alice's PoV

(Ive passed time because I feel like the story would just be boring, so I'm skipping to the good bit)

Months has passed and it's been okay I guess. I see Alois a lot less and when I did see him we just seem distance, getting his attention and time now has been a struggle. His bipolar side is showing off its dark side and he's gone ciel obsessed.

You always hear about how after marriage people change, I honestly felt like that wouldn't count for me and Alois but I guess life's not a fairy tale. And life a rose, the beauty In it distracts you from the thorns.

"Alois I need to..." I started as he walked past me. I sighed and followed him down the corridor. He just carried on talking to Claude.

"Alois, Alois" I called after him trying to grab his attention. He just ignored me and walked into his study still talking to Claude and shut the door.

I stopped running over him and lent against the wall. I sighed. How on earth would I get his attention. I then got an idea. This idea was something I wasn't going to be proud of and would bring back the past I had left behind but I just wanted his attention. I quickly ran down the corridor and went to the bedroom.

Once inside I took off my dress and everything and grabbed a robe. And went back to Alois study. I took a deep breath in.

I knocked on the door and walked in. Alois didn't even look up.

"Claude can I talk to Alois in private" I asked. Claude turned to Alois who made a shoo motion to his butler

"Fine, be quick though" he grumbled. I rolled my eyes and watched as Claude left. I then walked up to Alois. His eyes not leaving his papers.

"I need to talk about something with you" I said in a seductive voice leaning on his desk slightly. Alois looked at me really fed up then his eyes widened when he saw I was literally just in a robe. I slowly started to slide it off my body. Then the coldness of the room hit me and I realised what an mistake I had made but I wanted his attention. Alois stopped what he was doing and had his full attention of me. I then climbed into his lap and went with the flow while trying to talk him

"Your not paying enough attention to me lately and I want that to change" I whispered in a seductive voice. Trying to hide my anger and sadness.

I knew I was going to hate myself for it. But for now he had his attention on me which he hadn't had for a while.

Authors pov

Oh my god I hate where this story is going. But I thought I'd make it like this because I remember reading a thing about how if you were to date Alois he would treat you like Hannah and act a bit psycho even though he says he loves you so I thought I'd interpretate it into my story

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