Chapter 36- LAST CHAPTER

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No PoV

She was left on the bed. Screaming in agony every now and then and just trying to cope what she was going threw. She knew it all before but she hoped the years of moving on had healed the pain that was going to return to her. She knew she would see Elliot in that child and that's what scared her the most, as well as Alois behaviour.

Alois soon walked back in with Claude. Claude holding something behind him. Alice didn't care much she just wanted the pain she was in the end, yet never wanted it to stop.

Alois came closer to her with Claude

"Help isn't far off, remember, this is for better" he whispered to her

She just turned to him and screamed

"What the fuck are you on about" before puffing her cheeks and breathing out the agony. Alois took a deep breath in and Claude moved closer behind him.

"Just keep going though it, okay" Alois rubbed her back. He was holding back everything. Alice was scared why he seemed so calm all of a sudden.

Hannah soon walked in with some towels and some hot water. Hannah held s dark secret. She knew what they were for, and it wasn't the baby.


A few hours past and Alice was slowly starting to just give up. She was sweaty and exhausted and on the verge of death when it happened.

A baby came out. But made no sound. Alice looked down, though tears and sweat. Blood splattered over everything. Hannah rocked the baby slightly and looked at alois then Alice

"She was a girl" she whispered and placed the lifeless baby down next to the bed. Alice just felt her heart drop before a sharp pain running though it. Soon she started to cough up blood as her breathing became slower and more difficult. Hannah ran over and put the towels down in front of her, as not to ruin the sheets. Alice looked up at teary eyed Alois who had a shaky yet strong look on his face, if only his tears weren't washing away his disguise.

"I love you Alice, I never stopped, remember for better or for worse, this is for better, I promise you, I'm just sorry it went this way" he whispered as Alice's chest began to stop rising and her eyes shut.

Alois froze for a moment before pulling the sword out and watched as Alice's body flopped. Even in her current state she was still the most beautiful thing he had laidd his hands on. He took a deep breath in and turned to Claude

"Come Claude" he said with no emotion and started to walk out, ignoring the baby who just layed there.

Hannah looked down at the baby and picked it up as Alois and Claude left. She looked down at it sadly and back st the mother. Both ended so terribly. She sighed a little before the baby started to chock a little, some water escaping its mouth and soon the room filled with the sounds of it crys. Hannah smiled a little but knew the baby couldn't stay here. Alois wanted to baby dead, he couldn't live with the memory's or guilt. Hannah looked out the window. She looked back down at the baby. She could either kill it and throw it into the river or she could give it to a family who wanted a daughter of their own. A family the girl needed and would care for her, like Alice and Alois should have.  She took the baby out in search for a new family as Grell took care of Alice.


The next day Alois layed dead under a large tree. A stab wound in his stomach and his head crushed in. He hadn't made ciel his but he soul was no yet gone. (We all know the story after that)


Darcy Evens Willow (Alice's and Alois daughter) grew up in a happy rich family and didn't know about her real mother and father until her 18th birthday, she was told they died in a house fire, the story Hannah told the willows. She didn't want Darcy ever knowing the truth. Darcy later married a man who took good care of her and they had twins. Out of coincidence she named the girl Alice and the boy Alois.

She died age 89 of old age. 

Authors PoV

I'm sorry this story ended like this, like I had a plan and I went off plan and look where it ended us. But I guess I sort of wanted to make this seem more realistic in a way. I'm not sure. Anyway hope you liked it and maybe I'll write another Alois one, which doesn't end so  sad.

Anyway thanks for reading and goodbye.

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