It Doesn't Get Better

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We were having fun dancing. We actually got a bunch of cleaning and organizing done, that is until we were interrupted. We thought it was a customer but really it was the last person I wanted to see.

He tried to give me a smile but I didn't want it. I don't want him here. Dylan make him leave.

"Please talk to me Elizabeth." As I shook my head Dylan slowly inched closer to me. I gave him a slight smile, I know it'll only make Liam mad and I really don't need him more mad right now but I'm too scared to say a word.

"Can we have a minute?" Liam barked at Dylan. He hesitated glancing over at me and then went into the back of the store.

"Elizabeth, please talk to me." He panted slightly, he must have run here. I still can't find it in me to say anything to him.

"How do I make you feel not so alone, how do I make you stop hurting yourself, what do I do?" He rubs his face before looking straight into my eyes, the eyes I thought I loved. That's when I decide to say something. I'm not a toy, you can't just glue my arm back on and call me fixed.

"You can't fix me Liam, you're trying to fix a broken plate; I'm a plate and I've shattered into a million pieces, I'm permanently broken. The only solution is to buy a new plate." My body is trembling, I know I'm about to cry so I take a deep breath. When he doesn't say anything and continues to stare at me I speak up. "Just go home."
And he does. 

I find myself waking up on a couch in the back room, I'm in Dylan's office. I rub my eyes and look around, no sign of him. I get up and walk to the front of the store just as he walks in balancing a Starbucks drink carrier and a McDonalds bag.

"Good morning." He smiles nervously.

"Good morning." I give him a bigger smile and eye the bag in his hand, I'm kind of hungry.

"Oh! I brought you a coffee and breakfast." He hands it out for me to take and I do.

"Thank you so much Dylan, I owe you." He tells me not to worry about it but I know I owe him and that's all that matters. I'll do something for him in return no matter if he wants me to or not.

I finally decide to head back to the house around noon, I have a shift later and I need to shower and change my clothes. I hate the way my face feels after I cry, not to mention I didn't get a chance to wash my face yesterday. I'm not looking forward to running into Liam but it's bound to happen sooner or later. I'd just prefer the latter.

I'm upset that he didn't try to understand where I'm coming from and just assumed that I'm making everything up and the fact that he left. Yes, I told him too but he didn't even fight with me about it, he just left me standing there. I'm a lost cause.

I've been standing in front of the door arguing with myself in my head for the last 10 minutes. When I finally walk in, he's fast asleep on the couch. I walk past him and go straight to the shower where I spend half an hour trying to scrub the depression and anxiety away.

It didn't work, I'm still stressing about having to talk to Liam. I still don't know what to say to him, is there anything to say to him? Can I just stay in the comfort of the hot water? I thought I loved the guy, why am I so scared to talk to him now? Maybe it's because I'm scared. Scared that he doesn't want to fight for me, that he already knows he can have another girl that's ten times better than me.

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