20. Fights and Flights

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Previously- "I have to get out of here. This place is bad for me and the scars on my body tells you that." Why can't I just open the car door and leave? Maybe part of me is hoping that he'll fight a little harder and tell me that we can tour the world together and that he doesn't want to lose me.

"You're right.. It is what's best. Can you leave now?" His words come out cold.

"Harry." I look at him with big eyes.

"Leave." He huffs.

**Elizabeths POV**

As the tears lined in my eyes I hopped out of the car. Part of me hoped he would get out and wrap me in a hug but of course that didn't happen. I watched him pull out of the driveway and storm off. I pulled my phone out and dialed Ed's number.

"Hey!!" His voice was cheerful.

I snifled. "Hey. Umm I wa-"

"Lizzy what's wrong?" He hasn't called me Lizzy in so long.

"Ed.. Please come get me." I sobbed into the phone.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes. Stay there." His whole mood changed. I hung up the phone and walked into the house. It was a mess, cups, dishes, clothes were strung all over the place. I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to leave it there so I sped around cleaning the house and starting the dishwasher. I walked up the stairs and walked into my room it wasn't a mess at all. Everything actually looked the same and untouched. I sat at the desk and pulled out a piece of paper. I wrote down exactly what Harry needed to hear and what I wanted to tell him. When I finished I fold it up and put it in my pocket. I laid on the bed one last time closing my eyes for a few minutes before a honk was heard from outside.  I looked at the room one last time and closed the door. I'm really leaving this time and will most likely never be back. A few tears ran down my puffy cheeks but I quickly wiped them away. I put my bags in the back of Ed's car and sat in the passenger seat.

"Lizzy, what's wrong?" I thought I would be able to go without crying and I was going to try as hard as I can. It's time to finally give Ed some answers.

"Ed... Harry and the boys stopped touring, Liam joined the army, One Direction is over, I cheated on Harry, Harry cheated on me, I'm not sick anymore, can we go home like right now?" I gasped for breath.

"I'll get us tickets for the soonest flight." He smiled at me.

"Wait!" I knew it wouldn't take that long for him to realize what I said. I explained everything to him and he's being very understanding.

"Can you take me to Harry's?" These are the moments for puppy dog eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do that??" His eyebrow raised.

"I just have to drop something off." I shurgged my shoulders, I wish that I was really going there to spend the night cuddling and watching movies but this time that isn't the case. When he pulled up to Harry's my palms got sweaty. I can't face him, I know he's home because his car is here. I just need to hand him the letter and run away. I took a deep breath in and out and stepped out of the car. I knocked on the door and out came Harry in some grey sweats and no shirt. My eyes darted down to his toned stomach.

"Elizabeth?" His accent was deeper and raspy. I handed him the letter and turned around running towards the car. I should of asked Ed to give it to him. I got in the car and started crying into my hands as Harry fell to is knees. They always said goodbye was hard, but never in a million years did I think it would cause this much pain. I'm not facinng my problems I'm running away from them.

"You're doing the right thing." Ed quietly spoke. I just nodded my head and turned around to get my headphones out of my bag. Once Eminem started playing I quickly text the other boys.

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