14. Heart Breaks...

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"Liam!!!" I scooted out of the booth and cried into his arms.

"Hi baby." He smiled pulling me out of the hug. His eyes closed and I panicked. I'm dating Harry I can't kiss him. I want to yes, but I can't. Just as he was about to kiss me I turned my head and did a little cough.

"Whats wrong?" He frowned.

"L-liam... We need t-"

"Hey! Liam, we've missed you!" Zayn came over and they did some sort of handshake. Everyone came and surrounded Liam and I just got pushed back. I ran outside and sat on the bench close to the doors. The tears started to roll down my face. The door opened and out came my night in shining armor.

"What's wrong babe?" He sat down next to me and used his thumb to wipe the tears off of my face.

"How do you tell someone that you've moved on. You're sleeping with someone else. That you still love them." His face frowned.

"How do you tell someone that you love someone else, and you know you love them it's not lust. It's love. Harry, I know I love you. I know that I want to be with you. I just don't know how to tell Liam." He looked at me and a smile spread across his face.

"Elizabeth, he told you to move on. He told you that you deserve someone who would actually be there for you. I'm always going to be here for you, I'm never going to leave and I'm always going to be here for you no matter what. Please never doubt me." His hand traveled down to mine and our hands interlocked.

"I love you, Elizabeth." I smiled and our lips connected. Short but sweet. I pulled away just resting my forhead on Harry's. I heard someone clear their voice, as I turned my head I saw a very disappointed Liam.

"Liam." I whispered, quickly standing up.

"You're with him now..?" A tear rolled down his cheek.

"You don't understand. Th-"

"Are you with Harry!?" He looked me dead in the eye. I swallowed hard and a few tears strolled down my face.

"Liam, We need to talk. Please. Alone." I walked over to him, he grabbed my hand but I was too tired to fight it. I turned my head mouthing "I'm sorry" to Harry and continued walking with Liam. We walked down the empty sidewalk.

"Are you and Harry together?" His eyes travelled to his feet.

"Yes." I briefly said. His hand squeezed mine.

"I still love you. Liam, in all honesty. I can't stop thinking about you. I miss the hugs and kisses first thing when I wake up. I miss those sweet texts I used to get when you were away. I loved our puppy dog stage that lasted for really the whole relationship. But, your career got in the way. We couldn't be together, how am I supposed to live everyday being 'safe' when you are out there. How do I know if you're dead or alive! How do I know if you're okay, I don't! I can't live my life in fear all the time. If I could control how things went I wouldn't of let you leave me. I would of made it so we got to stay together all day. I loved you 24/7. I didn't have a life because YOU were my life. Harry.. He makes me happy. I haven't cut for a long time now Liam. I'm happy, and life is somewhat okay. I don't feel as lonely, I can laugh now. I made a friend! But you aren't here for me to tell you these things. It's not the same writting them in letters. You are thousands of miles away, living each day like it's your last. While I'm here.. screwing your best friend. But if I could say anything.. I'm not just with Harry because of the sex. I'm with him because he makes me happy. You make me happy. But you're gone." Liam stopped walking and brought me into a hug. I cried onto his shirt in the middle of the sidewalk. Sure it was empty but every now and then there would be a happy couple walking by.

"Elizabeth, I don't want to lose you. I know I told you to move on, but I don't want to lose you. I still want you to be mine. I fight everyday with the guys I consider my family. I don't just fight for my life, I fight for theirs too. But I also fight with you on my mind.. Please come back to me, just be my girl again." He ran his fingers through my hair. This is so difficult. I want to do it so bad, I want to just kiss him and never let him leave again. Soo what did I do? Well he did it. His eyes closed and he started to come in. My eyes closed and I leaned in. Our lips touched and it didn't feel like Harry's kiss. It was sweet, but not Harry's kiss. This wasn't short though, it was long. When he pulled away I could finally breath again.

"Did you feel that?" He asked me.

"Yes." I lied.

"Soo? Will you be my girl again?" He smiled. I just took his hand and started walking again. We would walk back to the restaurant, get his car and then go somewhere we could be alone. We sat in his car me on his lap making out. I pulled away pulling his shirt over his head, he smiled and pulled mine off too. I shivered a little and then we ran out of the car to the back seat. He unclasped my bra, and threw it over the seat. He propped himself up and looked at me. I started blushing.

"What?" I asked concerned.

"You're beautiful." He smiled.

After all of the clothing was ripped off, well. You can guess what happened next. We laid with a blanket over our bare bodies, I sat looking at the ceiling of the car. So many thoughts running through my head. Because at this point I don't know what to do. I told Harry I loved him, which I do. But I also love Liam. How do I chose between the two? He shifted alittle, I sighed and sat up putting all of my clothes back on. I gently shook him, he just groaned a little.

"Liam,we need to get back." I whispered. He just rolled over and fell back asleep. I opened the door and crawled out. I started walking back to the restraunt, when I got there Harry was sitting on the bench I had left him at. I ran up to him, he stood up running towards me. I jumped into his arms and he spun me around.

"I thought you chose him." He whispered in my ear, his curls tickling my face.

"I told you.. I love you." I smiled. He will never find out about me and Liam having sex. Never.

"Lets go home and take a hot shower, followed with some cuddling." He set me down and grabbed my hand.

"That sounds great, babe." I smiled as he ran us to his black jeep and setting me inside.

"Next stop? Home." He turned the car on and zoomed out. I sat looking out the window.

"You alright babe?" He looked concerned.

"Yes, I just wanna get home and shower. I need my cuddle buddy." I fake smiled. I feel so guilty, but if Harry finds out.. He's going to be crushed! What am I going to do!! When we got to the house he took me to the bathroom and undressed me. I brought my knees up to cover my chest as he turned the water on. I love how he'll take care of me, when I'm having my down days. I wonder if he knows if I'm having a down day or if he's just being sweet? He took his clothes off and hopped in the shower and I soon followed. The warm water trickled against my skin, it was relaxing. He put shampoo in my hair and rinsed it out. His touch was gentle. He put the conditioner in and spun me around. I wrapped my arms around his bare body. A tear ran down my cheek as he kissed to top of my head.

"I love you." He smiled spinning me around again and rinsing out the conditioner. We got out of the shower and he layed me down on the bed and stated kissing my stomach. My breath hitched as he went lower and lower.

"H-harry. Please." Another tear ran down my face. I got off the bed and put on one of his shirts and some sweats. I crawled into bed under the covers next to the curly haired boy. His arms wrapped around me protectivly. I closed my eyes and was on the brink of deep sleep. He must of thought I was sleeping but I heard him loud and clear. It's like he was ranting to me..

"I love you.. I know it's hard for you right now because Liam's back. I don't want you to leave me, I really love you and I'm always here for you. I'm ready to take the next step, I want us to buy a house together. This just has too much Liam on it. Then we could get married! And have kids. Just a few, because well then I'd have to share you. I wish you knew, that I may have.. umm. I slept with another girl.. I'm so sorry. If only I could just tell you."

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