9. Goodbye's

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"Why don't you want me here?"

"Liam, you don't understand.." I slowly sat up.

"Don't understand what? That you ran out not letting me know where you were going and then you get in a fucking crash and don't even want me here! What do I not understand about that Elizabeth?" He raised his voice.

"I don't want this to be the next headline in the paper! I'm not good enough for you Liam. I keep trying to push away those fans but it's true. I have too much.. You understand.. perfectly.. I didn't want to hurt you, more than I already have." Hurricanes gathered in my eyes.

"Elizabeth.. You don't want me here? I won't be here." A stray tear ran down his cheek and he turned around and walked out of the door. Everyone left and it was just Harry and I in the big room. The beeping from our monitors being the only sound. I've gotten a lot more strenght than I've had, but still feel weak.

"H-harry?" I quietly spoke.

"Yes babe?" I turned my head to look at him and he turned his head to look at me too.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you come get me, I'm sorry for making you cancel your show, I'm sorry for constantly being a screw up. I wish I could go back and just not run away. I wish I could just.. Be what everyone want's me to be. I'm not good enough for Liam. Go on twitter and just look at how many people say that we don't belong together.. That I'm not good enough, I'm worthless." Why am I so emotional! More tears ran down my face.

"So maybe you belong with me." He quickly looked away from me. What if it was true? Maybe I have too much baggage for Liam. But he's my Hero, I can't just leave him. He's done so much for me.

"Harry.. That wouldn't be fair to Liam." That's all I could think of. I couldn't just tell him no, but I couldn't tell him yes. I don't even know what I want anymore. I'm supposed to be able to go home tomorrow morning but I don't know where I'm going to go.

"If you want too you can come home with me." He whispered still looking the other way.

"Harry I should probably go home to Liam.. I know he's mad so it's up to me to make it better. I'm sorry."

"It's fine love. Go to bed. We leave early tomorrow, Or I do anyways." I don't think I was supposed to hear the last part, my eyes burst open.

"You leave tomorrow!! You'll just be getting out and then you're getting straight on a plane!" I yelled as loud as my little voice could yell.

"Yea, but it's going to be our last show. Then we're done, no more One Direction." After that no words were spoken. Does that mean Liam is leaving early? I only have tomorrow morning? This isn't good.


I'm finally released. Liam didn't come to get me and I don't really blame him at all. Niall is driving me to our house and then taking Harry home so he can pack and then they are out of there.

"Thanks Niall. I appreciate it." I waved hoping out of the car and walking back inside with the big boot on my right leg. This wasn't the accerory I wanted at all. As I walked through the door it sounded so quiet at first but then I heard the tv blasting upstairs and noises from the kitchen. The living room was a complete mess. Lamps, and pillows, and pictures broken, ripped, thrown all over the place. I don't think I've ever seen Liam so mad. As I hobbled into the kitchen I saw Liam sitting on the floor with his head on his knees and he was crying his eyes out.

"Liam?" I softly spoke.

"Elizabeth??" He jolted up running up to me and picking me up.

"I'm so sorry Liam, I promise I won't run away again." I cried onto his shoulder.

"I'm leaving soon, are you coming with?"

"Of course. We have some talking to do. Let's go get in the car. It's a longer drive." I hobbled back out of the door. I took a shower before I left the hospital so I figured I'd be alright. I shut the door and just waited for Liam to come to the car. He came out with a way bigger suit case then I thought he would need. It's only a day that he's going to be gone. Why such a big suitcase! When he got in the car he just stared at the steeringwheel and started crying.

"Liam, are you not coming back?" I stared at my hands that were shaking.

"Elizabeth, I'm sorry.." He wiped his tears off and I started crying.

"Am I supposed to wait for you? Am I supposed to be alone?" I whispered, affraid of the answer.

"I hate to say it.. But you need to move on.. Don't wait for me.. You deserve better, You thought wrong, it's not you that doesn't deserve me. It's me that doesn't deserve you." He pulled up the the airport and we walked in the building hand in hand for the last time as a couple for now. Who's going to be there for me? Who's going to love me even when I don't wear make-up and just wear my sweats? Who's going to get me to quit cutting? Who am I going to love? The butterflies were flying around in my stomach as we sat in the room waiting for Paul to come and get the boys. Everyone was playing on their phones except Liam and I. We sat hand in hand, me crying onto his shoulder. Once he gets on that plane, he's not coming back for a long time. There is no skyping him. Rare phone calls. I can still write him, but he isn't coming back. I couldn't be more pround of him. He's doing something that most people fear, he's making his life worth living.

"Boys, Lets go." Paul came in and quietly whispered. This is the last of One Direction. The last of Liam and Elizabeth. The last of everything, I go back to living my life and he moves on. I'm supposed to move on, but how can I? They all gathered their bags and walked slowly to the plane boarding area. When the gate approached us, it came time for the goodbye and hugs. First person to come up to me was Louis.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth. I didn't mean it when I said it was your fault. Can we be cool again!?" He opened his arms and I walked into them.

"We're good Lou." He gently hugged me, causing a little pain in my back.

"Zayn! Be good! I'll see you soon!" I fake-smiled giving him a brief hug and walking up to Niall.

"Niall, you'll be back, I can't wait to see you again and have fun!" I gave him a brief hug and walked up to Harry and pulling him  into a hug.

"When you get back we'll talk. Be safe. I love you." I whispered in his ear and walked up to Liam. Wrapping my arms around his neck and my feet were lifted off of the ground a little bit.

"Liam, you are my Hero. I just want you to know that I'm so proud of what you are doing. People are going to look up to you more than they already do. If anyone is proud of you it's me standing right here, I'm not leaving your side. Girlfriend or not, I'm always here for you, You are wrong saying I'm to good for you. Look at everything you've accomplised, then look at what I've accomplised. You will always be my superman. I love you." Our lips crashed and it was gentle and sweet. When I pulled away he set me down gently and grabbed his bag walking towards the loading area.

"I love you too, Elizabeth." He mouthed to be walking into the tunel. I fell onto my knees and cried into my hands. I knew that one day Liam and I would come to and end. Sounds very positive doesn't it? Well I don't go into something thinking it's going to last. I go into it thinking about the possible bad things that could happen. When he said I was wrong I just wanted to scream to the world that it isn't true. He's always going to be the better one. I have to much baggage. To many problems. And too many scars. Maybe one day they will make a good story but for now they will remain my little secret and for Liam?

He'll always be my Hero.

Is this the end?? Who knows! Well I know, but haha don't hate me. Vote! Just vote. I love you! Thanks for the new cover Brittney! This one's for you!! Comment which boy and an occasion you want for your imagine!


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