23. Heartbroken....Again?

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Previously- "Harry.. Please.. Stop. You don't mean that."

"Elizabeth, you need to sleep. I'll be in the guest bedroom." He turned back around and walked up the stairs. I've never seen his head hang so low. He thinks that by leaving me he's going to make me happy? He's so wrong. How am I supposed to sleep knowing that the last time I'm going to be seeing him is with his head hanging low. That's when the realization comes.. He broke up with me. We're really done.

***Elizabeth's POV***

No sleep. No food. No shower. No life. No Harry.  The past week has been pure hell. My wrists are raw and sore. My thighs are covered. I'm a mess. This is his idea of me being happy? Lets go back..

*That night*

I sat on the couch after he went up to the room, my mind won't stop pounding. My heart is broken. I thought that since he came after me we would leave here happy and then life would be okay. Now he's leaving without me and I'm sad and heartbroken. I want to be mad because he thinks that leaving me will make me happy, but when your heart is pounding in your head you don't know what to think other than 'I wish I didn't feel this way, because it sucks and hurts.' I rest my elbows on my knees and buried my face in my hand quiet sobs falling from my mouth. I heard a bunch of crashing from upstairs and darted up to the room and barged in the room. There he was, tears running down his cheeks, blood running down his hand, and the whole room trashed.

"You do this to me." He fell to his knees. I'm frozen, I can't say anything or move. I want to go over there and hold him and tell him that I'm sorry.

"I know that I keep screwing up and hurting you. I'm not.. good... enough for you." He started crying. "I just love you so damn much." It then and there that I find my words and I can move again.

"H-harry..." I stay there and wipe the tears off of my face. He looks so broken, so upset and I'm causing it.. No we're causing it.

"Elizabeth, I just don't know what to do." I walk over to him and hold my hand out.

"What are you doing?" His eyes meet mine.

"Come with me." He reaches out and takes my hand, I entertwine my fingers with his and help him up and we walk to my bedroom. His right knuckles are bleeding and he's got blood on his face. I sit him on the bed and we just look into each others eyes. (as chiche as that sounds) I finally move my hands to the hem of his shirt and slowly pull it over his body our eyes never breaking. I set it on the bed and walk into my bathroom getting a towel and wetting it with warm water and walking back out to him. I get on my knees.

"Give me your hand." My voice is quiet and choppy. He holds his hand out and I wipe away the blood. I bring my lips to his knuckles and kiss each one gently before standing up.

"Harry. I do-"

"Elizabeth.. Please don't say anything.." He starts to cry.

"Harry, listen to me." He covers his ears with his hands. "I can't listen, I know I hurt you again I'm sorry." I pull his hands down from his ears and look at him. His muscles are tense and his stomach is toned.

"I don't understand.. I just don't get how you think that I'll be happier without you. You are the reason for my good days and my bad." His face frowns but I nod and keep talking. "But at the end of the day I still got to call you mine. Just being able to call you mine makes me smile like crazy because nobody else gets to know the Harry Styles that I know. I know how you really are and from the beginning we've always been there for each other. I don't understand how you think us breaking up will make us happy, because together our happiness could conquer the world. You saved me when nobody else would! So I'm a little frustrated and confused. But I'm hoping that for now we just forget all about it, you'll stay here and we'll work it out." I study his face, no smile, no smirk, no dimples?

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