22. Please don't leave

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 "I can't." I look at him and his face is crushed.

"Elizabeth. If you want me to leave.. Leave here and never come back. Tell me right now, tell me you want me to leave and never come back and I will." He stopped pacing and he looked at me with tears about to spill at any moment.

"Harry.." I have to make up my mind now. There's no way I can do this, how am I supposed to choose. 

***Elizabeth's POV***

"You can't do it, can you?"

"No.. You know what I can't do. I can't do you telling me to leave and then coming after me it makes no sense. I can't do you fighting with my brother and then I still pick you. I can't do the feelings I get when your around. I can't do me fighting with my mom over you. YOU told me to leave. I can't do the pain you cause me, but I can't tell you to leave because you are the best thing that's happened to me. I can't do this.." A tear ran down my cheek. I can't do it. I can't explain how lost and confused I am. He told me to leave but then chases after me. He's the Harry Styles, he could have anyone he wants! He says he wouldn't be the same without me but I don't believe it. There are other girls; Prettier, Skinnier, Happier girls. Girls that don't have a screwed up life, or struggle with being alive. It was never this way when Liam was around, why did I do this to myself.. I don't have the same feelings for Liam as I do Harry but why couldn't I just been happy with Liam? Why can't I ever be happy? If it's not life its boys if it's not boys its family if it's not family its friends.. It never ends. When I returned from my thoughts Harry wasn't in the room. I didn't want him to leave.. I really didn't want him to leave, part of me was hoping that we could fight this out and then make up. I know I said I couldn't do it, but I need him.

"H-harry?" I called out but nothing. Had he really left without me noticing? I sit on the couch letting a few tears out. When the next song comes on my tears get heavier.

"What hurts the most, was being so close and having so much to say and watching you walk away.." I look over at the pillow and pick it up throwing it across the room.

"WHY!!" I scream getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen. I get a glass of cold water and chug it before going back into the living room and sitting on the couch crying to myself. A few hours later I'm passed out on the couch curled up in a ball.

***Harry's POV***

She didn't have the hope that I had.. She can't do 'us' anymore she said it. I expected her to tell me she couldn't say that, but she didn't. After I stood there watching her stare at me I turned on my heels and walked out of the door. I don't know where it is but I'm going to find myself a bar. I start walking and about 5 minutes later I'm in a bar and taking shots of Fireball. No better way to take out your anger than to drink your sorrows away, right?

"O-on-one more." My words slur.

"You've had enough.. Who should I call?"

"Nobody! Ssshh. She can't know I'm here.."

"You've been here for an hour, you need to go home." The bartender starts to wipe the bar with a rag. I spin around in the chair and nobody is here, it's just me. I make my way out of the door and back to her house. I stumble inside and there she is. Curled up in a ball on the couch. Did I do this? No.. It couldn't of been me. I start to make my way upstairs to take a shower but I trip on the second stair. I look over to the couch and she sits up with a sniffle.

"Harry?" She rubs her eyes.

"I'm gonna take a shower.." I fumble up the stairs and into the bathroom turning the water on and peeling my clothes off my body. About 3 minutes later I hear the door open but ignore it. A few seconds later she's peeling the curtain back and hopping in.

"What are you doing?" The water runs down my body.

"You just left me.. Why?"

"Because you said you couldn't do 'us' anymore" I clenched my fists.

"I didn't say that.." She sounds so innocent.

"That's what you made it sound like."

"I'm sorry.."

"Don't do that.."

"Do what?" Her red eyes look at me.

"Apologize. It's clearly my fault, you shouldn't be apologizing." I spin her around and put shampoo in her hair and rinse it out then do the same with conditioner. She spins around and wraps her arms around me and I can't help but do the same. When she starts crying I pull away and look into her eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because I thought I lost you.." She sniffles.

"Never. You'll never lose me." She thought she lost me? She was genually upset because I left.

"I just th-"

***Elizabeth's POV***

"I just th-" His lips crash on mine and our mouths move in sync. When he pulls away I hop out of the shower quickly drying my body and putting Harry's sweatshirt back on with my leggings.

"You have some sweats in my room.." I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I know he went to the bar I could smell it in his breath. He left me for alcohol, ouch. He didn't seem drunk, so it's not like he drank that much right? I got another glass of water and sat on the couch rubbing my eyes. Soon I feel the couch dip and I look over at him. His curly hair is pushed back out of his face and his green eyes just pop.

"I'm sorry." He rushes the words.

"For what?"

"Causing you all this pain. It's not fair. I'm going to try and get plane tickets to go back home tomorrow." He stand off of the couch.

"You don't have to do that!" The words come out quick.

"I can't hurt you any longer. Elizabeth, you need to be happy and I'm only causing you the opposite." He sighs and starts to walk away.

"So you're just going to leave me? Don't you think that's going to cause me pain!?" He stops at the stairs before turning to look at me.

"You're strong, I don't deserve you. You need to be with someone who will make you happy, not with me who makes you cry. You will find that person. I know you will. I thought by coming here I was making you happy, but now I really see that you're hurt and I'm the reason. I don't want to be that reason."

"Harry.. Please.. Stop. You don't mean that."

"Elizabeth, you need to sleep. I'll be in the guest bedroom." He turned back around and walked up the stairs. I've never seen his head hang so low. He thinks that by leaving me he's going to make me happy? He's so wrong. How am I supposed to sleep knowing that the last time I'm going to be seeing him is with his head hanging low. That's when the realization comes.. He broke up with me. We're really done.

Hey!!!!! I haven't updated in a while.. I'm sooo sorry!! But reads are going up!! How exciting. I hope that the votes and comments start to go up! I love getting ideas from you guys. SOOOO DON'T BE SHY! Alright. I love you all! Picture of Harry and Elizabeth on the side! (:


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