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Being Liam Payne's  girlfriend means that everyone wants to know about our relationship and everything I'm doing when he's gone or even when he's around. Who tells everyone about those kinds of things? The paparazzi. Being the stupid drunk person I am, I wasn't careful last night and they found me. Imagine the headlines this morning when they see me walk out of a house that doesn't belong to Liam Payne.

In the start of our relationship Liam and I decided to ignore the tabloids because 98% of the time they're wrong, but this time it's not. There are even pictures to prove it, and I don't know how to tell him.  I make a mental note to stop drinking because it's only going to continue to show me that it really messes things up.

 I had to run to the store to get Advil for my pounding head. As I stood in line to check out I saw a magazine that read - "Liam Payne's girlfriend sneaking out. Trouble in paradise?" I sighed rubbing my head telling myself that I'm incredibly stupid.  I picked up the magazine and checked out.

I ate lunch and went to shower, I feel gross. I looked at the scattered mess of makeup and noticed the only thing missing was the blade. Did I put it somewhere else? I shook my head and got in the shower until I heard noises coming from downstairs. I turned the shower off and walked into my room. Nothing or nobody was in there so I quickly put on some clothes. Then I heard noises coming from downstairs and immediately ran towards the kitchen where broken plates and cups were scattered all over the floor and Liam's back facing me.

"L-Liam?" I quietly called out. He spun around his face full of sadness and hurt.

"Babe what's wrong?" I looked at the mess he made before returning my gaze to him.

"I thought you quit?" He spoke through gritted teeth.

"What are you talking about?" I knew what he was talking about. Of course I knew, I wasn't that dumb. I just didn't want to admit it to him, I wasn't even ready to admit it to myself. I couldn't even tell myself that I hadn't quit, that I lied.

"Are you missing anything?" He threw the blade at my feet brushing past me walking into the living room.
"I d-did, I-I quit."

"You said you were done, that you didn't do it anymore! Why did you lie to me!" I couldn't even look at him. I lied directly to his face and now he knows. I stare at my fiddling fingers.

"Look at me!" He yelled. 

'I can't just stop! I'm alone Liam!" I looked him dead in the eye, he stood there contemplating what he would say next. I wasn't sure if I was ready for what he would say next.

'You're never alone." He whispered.

"I'm always alone, don't you see?" He doesn't say anything. "I could be in a room full of 50 people and I'm still alone!" I'm a little mad, he isn' even  trying to understand what I'm saying. I don't think he really understands.

"You're over reacting." I lost it, completely lost it.

"I need to be away from you. I can't even look at you right now. This isn't the Liam I know, you've changed, and I don't like the new you."

I left. I walked to the only place I really felt I could go. The music store because it wasn't that far of a walk, the only downfall being that it isn't a walk I'd want to make in the dark and I really hadn't thought that through, I should really start thinking things through before I do them.

I walked into the store and felt welcomed. Granted I work here so I know the people, it just feels nice to be welcomed. I may not be wanted but I'm welcomed and that's all I need right now.

"Hi Dylan." I smile at my coworker and walk to the section of Cd's he's in. He's putting them on the shelves in alphabetical order, a job I enjoy doing a lot.

"Hey Liz." He smiles back and hands me a section of Cd's that I gladly accept. 

"Wanna talk about it?" 

"Not really, I'd rather do anything but think about it." He nods and starts to walk towards the back of the store. 

"Where are you going?"

"I know exactly what you need!" He yells and it goes silent. I continue to put the discs in the proper spots when I hear a faint sound of the song Cheerleader by OMI but it gradually starts to get louder. I see him walk out with a big smile on his face and starts dancing stupidly while singing at the top of his lungs and very out of tune.

"I don't dance." I laugh quietly but he shakes his head.

"Well you dance today!" So I do. I slowly start to join in on his stupid dancing while singing at the top of my lungs.

We've been dancing to the loud music while singing at the top of our lungs for at least an hour and I give props to Dylan for being right. It's exactly what I needed.

"Hey Dylan?" He looks at me with a dimpled smile. 


"Thank you." I send him a smile and continue to dance.

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