(1) Sex And Candy

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© 2014 Natalie Barnard

Chapter 1

“I really don’t want to,” I complained as Kelly, my best friend since pre primary, grabbed my arm and started pulling me inside the house. It was roaring with music, and the smell of alcohol hit my nostrils like a train speeding off its rails.

“Stop being such a baby, it’ll be fine!” Kelly shouted, her words almost drowned out by the beat of the base.

I seriously doubted it, nothing about this situation was good.

We had lied to our parents about where we were going. We are underage and don’t even really know anybody at the party except for Kale and I don’t really consider meeting a guy once knowing him.

“This is so awesome!” Kelly yelled, letting go of my arm. I considered making a run for it but changed my mind. Not because I wanted to be there but because I was terrified of what kind of shit Kelly might get herself into. She has a tendency of doing stupid things and biting off a lot more than she can chew.

“We shouldn’t be here,” I stated, being the responsible one as usual. I guess you can say I’m a good girl, but I don’t mind.

“No freaken way!” Kelly yelled and then ran to the middle of the living room that had been transformed into a dance floor. I didn’t follow her, instead I took a look around and cringed.  The people were much older than us. University students most likely and some looked a bit older even, probably working already. There were a few kids that looked as if they could still be at school but not a lot. I felt extremely uncomfortable and out of place.

A guy bumped into me, causing his beer to spill over my jeans. I started telling him off but swallowed my word when I looked up at his face. He was obviously wasted and his glaring eyes spelled danger.

“I could help you out of those,” he said, causing my heart to go into overdrive and I scurried away like a coward.

The song changed as I made my way out of the living room and headed further into the house, looking for a back door so that I could hide away somewhere quiet. I wasn’t that lucky though, the back yard was stuffed with people and I quickly made my way back into the house.

I found Kelly in the living room where I left her, still dancing but now she had a beer in her hand and a guy bumping and grinding against her.

The sight freaked me out and all I wanted to do was go home so I made my way over to her and pulled her aside but not without her putting up a fight.

“What do you want?” she yelled, frustrated.

“I want to go home, nothing good is going to come from us being here,” I replied, trying to stay calm.

“You can go if you want but I’m staying,” she said as she started walking away from me. I grabbed a hold of her arm and pulled her back to me. This time she was going too far. We shouldn’t be here.

“Stop Leave me alone!” she yelled, pulling her arm out of my grip.

“I’m not staying Kelly, if you chose to you are on your own,” I stated, hating how the words tasted in my mouth but knowing there was no way I could stay.

“Maybe I’m better off on my own,” she spat out and then ran off. Her words hurt instantly but it didn’t make me change my mind. She was wrong and I was going home.

I made my way out of the house, having to push drunken people aside and shivered at the thought of leaving Kelly alone. It was obvious that alcohol wasn’t the only thing being passed around freely.  And I didn’t even want to think about what drugs they were taking. I swallowed hard, took a deep breath and made my way to my car. I got in and slammed the door in anger before starting it and pulling away as fast as I could, scared that I might change my mind.

“I’m doing the right thing,” I told myself as I sped away. Kelly has gone too far this time. We could have had a lot of fun doing something else but I wasn’t willing to put myself in danger for a good time.

By the time I got back home I was feeling incredibly guilty and really afraid for Kelly. What if something happens to her? I would never be able to live with myself, so against my better judgement I drove past my house and made my way back to the party. It was a good half an hour’s drive away and by the time I reached it I was a nervous wreck.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to” I repeated to myself as I got out of the car. All I was going to do was keep an eye on Kelly and make sure she doesn’t do something she might regret.

The party had managed to get rougher in the hour that I was gone. This time when I made my way inside there were people scattered over the couched, making out and openly doing drugs. I looked around the living room but couldn’t see Kelly anywhere. Maybe she’ realized how stupid she was being and decided to go home. I knew it was wishful thinking. I looked in the kitchen, the dining room and the back yard but couldn’t find her, which meant she must have gone home or upstairs. I was betting on upstairs but really hoping for home. I didn’t want to go look for her because I was terrified at what I might find.

I made my way up the stairs, pushing drunken people out of the way. I hate how stupid people act when they get drunk, it is as if they lose all common sense.

The first bedroom door was open, there were a few people sitting around but they were all very calm and luckily not doing anything to terrifying.  The second bedroom’s door was locked, which of course didn’t mean that nobody was inside but I could only hope that it did. The third bedroom had loud grunting sounds coming from it and as much as I didn’t want to, I peeked inside and what I saw stunned and scared the shit out of me. Kelly was in there, with a few other people and they were doing some things I would much rather not think about, never mind see.

I slammed the door shut and ran down the hall, not really caring where I went. I ran into the first open door, shutting it behind me and slamming against it with my back. I sank down to the floor and dropped my head into my hands, squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to get the images of what I had just seen out of my head. I didn’t succeed though, they just got more prominent and I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate. This can’t be happening, Kelly can’t be that stupid. But it was and she was and this was so wrong.


“Are you alright?” I heard a voice ask, causing my heart to leap out of my chest. I jumped to my feet and opened my eyes at the same time, realizing that I didn’t even look to see if I was alone.

I was confronted by a man. He was looking straight at me and for a second all trail of thought vanished from my mind. He had the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They were dark brown, almost black and had a hypnotizing glow about them. His dark hair was messy and fell in front of his eyes, casting small shadows across his face. I couldn’t answer.

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