Chapter fourteen - getting addicted

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Jake has been in hospital for the last three days, I go and see him but hes still unconscious. He looks so fragile and it makes me sick to see him like this and to know who did it!

I was aloud to stay at Jake's providing I didn't make to much mess, I couldn't do that anyway. Not to his mother. Not with the circumstances were in right now.

I sat on his bed with my head against Jake's pillow and smelling his certain smell on it and wishing he was here right now. I get my self worked up so much wishing he will be alright and that he can come home soon. These last few nights I have been crying myself to sleep thinking that he was sleeping there all alone in that stupid hospital.

I fell asleep in his bed. Crying once again. I was only asleep for a short while and in that hour or so all my bad thoughts and images floating around in my head had disappeared, and I was still with Jake kissing in the fields near us and walking hand in hand down streets where everyone can see us. The main thing was that he was here. With me. Not letting anything get in the way of us.

"Jess honey, I'm going to see Jake, you wanna come?" His mum shouted up the stairs

I walked out of his room and came face to face with his mum.

"Oh sweety," She said giving me a hug

"I just miss him so much," I cried on her shoulder

"He'll be out soon, I think you should stay here today," She continued rubbing my back with her palm

I went and curled up on the sofa as Jenny continued to go and see Jake. I switched on the television and stuck a film in the DVD player. Street dance. That was a cheery film.

I walked over to the kitchen during the stupid advert things at the beginning of the film and grabbed my self a packet of ready salted crinkled crisps. I swung open the cupboard where she keeps all the drinks. I flew my eyes by all the names and didn't really fancy any. I shut the cupboard door and opened the fridge one instead. Orange juice. Apple Juice. Pineapple juice. Milk. WKD. Wine. More milk. Wait! WKD..... hmmmm sounds appetising.

'Wait, should I or not, I've never really drunk anything before and this isnt my house?' I thought to myself.

Fuck it, I cracked open the bottle and took a swig. MMMM!!!

I poured myself a full glass and took my ready salted crinkled crisps and continued to watch the film.

In the first ten minute of the film I had downed the glass and poured myself another. And another. And another!

I started to feel a bit light headed, but also I had a very big buzz of energy suddenly stuck into me. I started to dance along with the crew's in the film and thought nothing of it. I was only having a bit of fun right. I turned off the film as it had finished and danced my way back up to the bedroom.

"Maaaannn that was GOOD!" I shouted out loud as i plopped myself upon the bed. I sat there staring out his massive bedroom window to have a good look at his mahoosive garden! It was really pretty it had a big pond in the far corner with flowers planted around it. Oh I never knew he had a rabbit. Anyway there was a brown wooden rabbit hutch in front of the wall at the side of the garden. He also had a football goal at the front of the garden leaning next to the back door.

Suddenly warm hands shocked me from behind.

"Hey there gorgeous!" A comforting voice said

"JAKE!!!!" I screamed as I pulled him towards me and locked my lips firmly to his.

I heard him moan a little and pulled away. I saw a scar at the side of his shaved head.

"Oh my baby I'm sorry," I said nearly tripping over him

He steadied me with both arms as I tried not to laugh.

"Baby?" He asked with wide eyes

"Hey there," I replied full aware I knew I was drunk

"Whats wrong with you?" He asked as I plonked myself on the bed

I pulled him down and kissed him.

"I asked you a question!" He said firmly

"Nothing baby, I'm so glad your back," I replied innocently

"Are you, are, are.... Are you DRUNK!" He nearly shouted

"Arn't you a clever one my lover," I replied in laughter

I leaned in for a kiss and he backed away.

"Why would you do this?" He asked still angry

"I was afraid! Whilst you were in hospital after that dick-head beat you up I was sat there with you hand in hand praying you'd be alright, and after they said what you had I couldn't cope, I wanted to end my life if they ended yours, I wanted the fucking pain to go away!" I said ending up in floods of tears

"You shouldn't do this to your body though should you?" He said now hugging me "Have you never heard of alcohol poisoning! When your like this you can injure yourself badly, and the reason I was in hospital is because I was protecting you, so if I did die, I would of been doing something for the person I love!"

I hugged him tighter but I still was out of my head, I let go of him and swung him into a dance position. If I had just watched Streetdance what do you expect me to do whilst I was drunk, just sit there like an old fart! I dont think so, we danced around his room like he was also pissed, and we both collapsed on the bed.

I couldn't resist no more, my body wasn't mine at the moment, and alcohol took over. I practically jumped on him forgetting about the bad things that have happened and connected my lips to his!

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