Chapter 17 - Party time!

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It was the night of the party and I had dropped Carrie round at my cousins house. She seemed more happy now she had moved in with us and away from mum. Actually from now on the name 'mum' has been removed from my world. She has been removed from my world.

I walked up into Jake's room and it was full to the ceiling of mine and Carrie's things. I pulled out a red dress that I could see sticking out from one of the boxes. I knew that this would be the one filled with my clothes. I climbed on the box next to it to left the one above. I pulled open the box of my clothes and was glad to see the matching red heels on top. I took them out and buckled them tight around my ankle. I pulled the dress down about as it was bunched up around my but cheeks.

"You nearly ready, we're going to be late," Jake yelled from downstairs.

"Almost," I replied

I applied the rest of my make-up and grabbed my black cardigan from the back of the door.

"You look stunning," Jake said as I wobbled down the stairs in my high heels.

We got in the car and I turned up the music as we drove to Si's house.

* * * *

"Yo yo, glad you guys could make it," He said as he opened the door.

As soon as the door whipped open a gust of some sort of smell came flying out. Weed maybe? Mixed with the smell of alcohol.

 I have never really drunk alcohol before, besides a glass or two or red wine at my auntie's wedding. Does that count? Anyways you only live once right?

 As soon as I took a step inside I was offered a shot. Not wanting to be a coward I took it and the vodka burned its way down my throat.

 "Getting in there quick ain't we?" Jake laughed.

 I smiled back with numb lips but they seemed to ease up as the night continued. My face burned up as the more and more alcohol went through my system. By the time Jake had his first drink I was on my fifth.

 "Slow down, I still want to be able to have a conversation with you in half an hour," Jake insisted.

 I ignored his command and was downing each drink I got given. What was it that parents used to ask you? Don't drink drinks that other people give you. Well at this point I was pretty screwed as the majority of drinks I had were brought or given to me.

A hand grabbed me and I spun around facing a total stranger.

"Hey babe, want to have a quickie?" He asked with a smile

"What are you taking me for? Some kind of slapper!" I yelled.

"I was asking for a dance?" He said, his smile now disappeared and replaced with confusion.

"Oh," I replied, feeling my face turn red.

"What did you think I meant.... oh wait a minute... you dirty girl!" He laughed.

He lead me to the middle of the lounge and spun me around and I let myself go. I slid up and down his leg and lets just say... I could of probably reenacted Dirty Dancing.

"Yo! What you doing with my girl," A familiar voice warned from behind me.

"Oh hey baby," I smirked, falling into Jake.

"Your ovbiously pissed," He said, his eyebrows joining together.

"Mate, sorry I didn't know," The dude mumbled. "Lucky though mate, great body,"

"Well now you know," Jake spat, and flung his fist so it made contact with the guys jaw.

"Jake!" I screamed.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the side of the living room.

"I told you not to go to far and get drunk, what do you think you'r doing grinding on another guy!"

"Doesn't the first part tell you why... and is someone getting jealous," I replied poking Jake in the side.

"I am not jealous," He looked away his brows still stitched together.

"You want me to dance with you too then... like I did with him... maybe more?" I giggled.

"Not today, another time... but for now you need to get to bed, you don't want Carrie to find you like this,"

"Oh yeah, I wonder if she has ever drunk before?" I grumbled.

"Of course she hasn't she's younger than you... now come on!" He said pulling me away from the centre of the party.

I grabbed onto the sofa clinging for dear life and screaming "Help me... HELP!"

All eyes made their way to me and Jake, who was trying to stay calm. He caved in and unlocked my fingers from the couch and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed more and punched him but he would not budge.

"Quit hitting me, you're making a fool of yourself," He moaned

"Says the one with a teenage girl hauled over his shoulder,"

"Even saying that makes you sound pathetic."

I kicked one of my legs up catching him in the jaw with my heel.

"AHH, Shit Jess, what the fuck was that for!" He yelled loosening his grip around my legs.

"I said put. Me. Down!"

"And I said NO!"

I heard a car door being pulled open and I was propped up against the passenger seat. The door was immediately locked when it shut so I wouldn't escape.

Jake plopped himself in the drivers seat and started the ignition. Considering I was pretty pissed and bored I decided to have some fun of my own. I looked over to see Jake preparing to leave Si's house, so I started there. My hand crept over the gearstick and onto his thigh. He thought I was teasing so he carried on with what he was doing.

"Jess." He stopped when my hand was exploring his muscular area. I lifted up the bottom of his shirt and stroked his very fine abs.

"Not now, not here," He sighed, and pushed my hand away.

I was not having any of this... I unbuckled my seat belt and awkwardly made my way over to the drivers seat.

"You've had your turn of embarrassing me and having your fun... now its my turn."

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