Chapter 26 - It's a new life from here on out

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It had been a few days since Jake had entered the hospital, and now it's time to take him out. I hadn't heard a word off of any of the lads from the hotel and I'm kind of glad I didn't. What on earth were they thinking?

"You know, we may have to have a budgeted wedding?" Jake chuckled lightly, slipping an arm around me.

"Jake!" I nudged his side and shot a quick look at Carrie and Ryan, who were walking in front. "I havn't told her yet. When do you think I should?"

"Whenever you feel is right babe," he winked and moved his hand down to grab my ass.

We reached Ryan's car and we all clambered in. Carrie sat in the front of kill awkwardness between Ryan and Jake, so instead I finally let Carrie take the front, and me and Jake sat in the back. Ryan took his CD out and and played the radio instead. 'Imagine Dragons - Radioactive' came on and I practically squealed. Carrie and Jake looked at me with cocked eyebrows and Ryan glanced at me through the review mirror. I didn't care though at this precise moment. I wound the window down and let the fresh cold air hit my cheeks. Suddenly, I heard Jake moan slightly.

"Jake? Are you OK?"

"Yeah, just stomach pains, I'll just grab some pain-killers when I get home," he glared out the window with one arm around his stomach.

"Are you s-"

"Yes baby I'm sure... I may be injured but I'm not a toddler," he gave a weak smile and I knew that was the perfect time for me to shut-up.

The rest of the car journey home was rather boring. All the songs were old or slow, sometimes both and Jake didn't say much else. Carrie was just chatting away to Ryan, and if it was classed as paedophilia or creepy, they would totally be hooking up. I can tell already Carrie sees Ryan as an 'older-brother' figure, and they hadn't even known each other that long.

All that I'm thinking is about all the rest of the stuff that is back at my mums place. I shouldn't even be giving her that title.. what am I even doing!? I shall get some decent sleep tonight with Carrie and Jake, and try and tackle the house tomorrow. If I'm right, they should be working so the house'll be empty. "Well here we go sweet-cheeks... and you ofcourse," Ryan said, glancing back at me and Jake." I could tell already that Jake and Ryan wern't gonig to be 'bum-buddies' or even 'friends' but I just hope that they can at least get along on some kind of level.

"Thank-you so much Ryan, I'll text you yeah?" I replied, and watched a smile grow upon his face. "Come on Carrie, we're home,"

"Home?" she asked, opening up the door and hopping out of the car. She wormed her way between me and Jake and held on to both of our hands. "Is this our home?"

"I have a lot of explaining to do to you Carrie, so just go inside and we'll be inside in a second," I watched as Carrie hugged Ryan and ran up to the door, ringing the doorbell. Jakes' mum opened it up and welcomed her in with wide arms.

"Well, thank-you again Ryan," I smiled, and coughed slightly to get Jake's attention.

"Yeah man, thanks a lot," he stuck his hand out for Ryan and they awkwardly shook hands. I could see Jake wanted to wrap his hands around his throat, but seriously, what had Ryan done that was so bad?

"Well.. see you," he clambered back into his car and drove off, so I took my chance to turn around and slap Jake.

"Really? He was the genuine one out of all those jerks last night and you treat him like crap?" I then saw the confusion on his face and quickly rubbed his cheek with my fingers. "Sorry, didn't mean to be that hard," I pecked him on the lips, and walked up to the house. Jake decided to stand there for a few more seconds and shortly followed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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