03 (Filler)

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Skylar POV 

My head hurts now and the noise from the shower isn't helping . Maybe to you being called a bitch is like a nerve being hit . You would go off and curse him out , but to me ... it's like being shot in the heart countless times . Looking back on my past , that's all I heard . He would make sure to just break down my self-esteem . I just can't deal with this anymore . I've been in the shower for about 20 minutes now . I spent 15 washing my body and hair and the rest just thinking . I cried the whole time , but you couldn't tell because of the shower . I know he is going to try to apologize , but I need a few hours of me time . I don't want to hear his voice right now . 

I got out of the shower and dried off , lotioning up as well . I put on the nightgown I brought in here with me and panties underneath . No bra for tonight . I opened the door and caught sight of him coming upstairs . I walked faster trying to blink away the teas forming in my eyes . Why is the hallway so long ? I heard his footsteps get closer , so I panicked and ran the rest of the way into the guest bedroom beside the kids room . I closed the door and locked it before he could catch up . I slid down the door in tears as I listened to his fists pounding against the door . "Baby open the door ." He pleaded . I sniffled and ran my and through my wet hair . "No ." I heard my voice crack , I know he heard it too . "Skylar please open the door . I'm sorry about what I said . I swear I didn't mean to call you that ." He pleaded . I cried a little harder remembering that Daryl said the same thing . But he never did stop calling me that . What if Lau acts the same way . 

"*sniffle* Then why did it come out of your mouth ?" I asked , my voice not recognizable anymore . "I don't know Skylar . It just came out . I'm stressed and-and you yell at me and you know how I get . I'm *heavy breath* I'm really sorry baby . I really didn't mean to say that ." His voice grew softer towards the end . When he realized that I wasn't going to open the door , he sighed and made a low thump on the door . "Damn ." I heard him say before walking away . My heart broke even more when I heard him sniffle , walking away . I want so bad to forgive him and not let him cry tonight , but I just I can't . I just can't forgive and forget like this didn't happen . It did and I need time . I crawled into the bed and silently cried .

Lau POV 

"Damn ." I muttered , letting my forehead gently fall on the door . I felt hot tears forming in my eyes and tried to blink them away . After trying for about five seconds , I just let them fall . My nose started twitching , so I sniffled and rubbed it . I'm so stupid . How could I even think about calling her something like that knowing what happened to her . I'm such an asshole . Fuck . I know it's like 12:00am , but I need to call my brother . I really need his help right now . 

I wiped my wet cheeks and pulled out my phone , dialing his number . He picked up after about 15 seconds . "Mmm .... Hello ?" He grumbled . He was asleep . I cleared my throat and spoke "L-Larry , I need help ." I heard my voice crack again as I tried to speak to him . "Woah *shuffles* Lau what's wrong ? What happened ?" He asked , now wide awake , or I assume . "It's Skylar ..." I said in a low tone . "Is she hurt ?" He asked , now full of concern . "Emotionally . We got in a fight .... I did something bad bro ." I said on the verge of a breakdown . I have never been this guilty and heartbroken before . This is bad , in my case at least . "No tell me you hit her Lau  . I will drive down this street and kick you-" He began , but I cut him off reeal quick . Hit Skylar , I  would rather get  struct by lightning than hit my baby girl . "Nooo ... I called her a bitch . *talks faster* I was so stressed and pissed off from today and-and he start yelling and I lose my temper and it just slip I-I-" I began but was cut short . "Woah calm down bro . It's good you didn't hit her , but you have to control you temper a little better bro . Things like this are serious for you and her . Be more careful ." He replied . As I was thinking of what to say next , my heart shattered . "W-what if she no love me anymore *sniffle* ?" I asked , now crying again . 

"No Lau , she love you . She just upset is all . You know how she get when these things happen . She going to forgive you just .. *yawn*.. just give her some time okay ?" He said , getting sleepy again . "Okay ." I uttered . "Okay . I'm going to call you in the morning and check on you okay brother ?" He asked , more shuffling filling my ears . "Okay . Goodnight , love you ." I said , drying my face . "Night Lau , love you too ." 


I dropped my phone on the bed and ran my hand through my fro . I'm going to make things right for her if it's the last thing I do . None of this shit would've happened if I didn't have to work today , or take my anger out on my wife . I'm so fucking stupid .

Day two isn't looking so good is it ? I mean , he did cry and try to apologize and stuff . But that won't last one bit . Things are about to take a turn for the worst . Not telling when , but it is and be prepared . 


I'm feeling better today . But school was a butt !!! I had so much shit to make up , it's ridiculous . I HATE SCHOOL -_-  . But here is a filler for you . You know , let ya know how things are going in SkyCity and LauVille .. 

Bye-Bye !!

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