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Nobody POV

"You my wife ?" Lau questioned looking over her . He saw multiple bandages on her arms and a boot on her leg and felt kind of bad for her . But at the same time not really because he 'doesn't know her like that' at least it feels that way . "Yes , I'm your wife of 3 years . We've been through everything together .... (Tears) You proposed to me during a Beyonce concert , we have beautiful triplets , you saved me from getting killed from my brother (cries) Please .... You have to remember me Laurent ." She cried . Larry put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and watched as Laurent took in everything he was being told . Three kids is a LOT of babies at one time . And she still looks this good ? He proposed at a Beyonce concert , he saved her ? This was all too much for Lau to comprehend . He did all of this for this girl ? But somehow he felt like he could believe her .

"Okay I believe you , but why are you all beat up ? Why you got that thingy on you leg ?" He asked . Skylar felt tears prick her eyes as she replayed that night . Her screams , his hits , his eyes , everything . "You did this to me ." She forced out feeling new tears slide down her face . "How the hell I do that and I just met you ?" Lau asked with a attitude . He felt like she was lying about it something and he intended to figure it out . Skylar though felt scared . Even though he's chained up , he never failed to make her feel threatened even with the slightest look . "Before you came here , you were abusive . You beat on me . (cries) Every . Single . Day for no reason . You'd kick me in the same spot over and over if I did something wrong like cook something you didn't want . You'd come in high and drunk and beat the living shit out of me just because ..... You raped me when you said you wouldn't .... I ran away from you because I was scared you were going to kill me like my brother tried to do . You chased me through the woods and fist fought me like a man but I managed to one up you and get away . I ran here , then you got admitted here because you need help ." She told him not really wanting to get into all of the details .

Lau felt a wave of disgust and hatred flood his veins . She was the reason he's here . Yeah he raped her and beat her but he didn't pay any attention to that in depth . He's been stuck in this shit hole for almost three months and it's because of her . "So you tell me I spend almost THREE FUCKING MONTHS IN THIS HELL BECAUSR OF YOU ?!!!" He screamed . He was livid . He yearned to get out of this place and out into the world to find who he was before but because of her he can't . He wanted to hit her so bad but he was double chained since the little incident with his mom .

Skylar was tooken aback by his remark . He only heard that part . What happened to the other parts where she basically told him he was a man beater ? Skylar was beyond heartbroken and just angry . Wherever the old Laurent went must be goof because he hasn't showed any signs of coming back any time soon . Maybe he's in Hawaii ....

"How dare you ? You're the reason why you're in here ! Your dumb ass was too busy doing crack to realize that you were hurting me . When I got tired of it I left and you wouldn't let me . SO THAT'S HOW YOU GOT HERE ! DON'T PUT ALL THAT SHIT ON-" Lau stood up tired of being treated like a child . "WHO THE FUCK YOU YELLING AT BITCH ?!! I'LL BEAT YO UGLY ASS UP AGAIN SO I'LL REMEBER IT THIS TIME !!" Lau cut her off . Larry pushed a freaked Skylar back behind him and stood eye to eye with his brother . "Don't touch her ." Larry said with venom drilling off every syllable . "Ion know who the fuck you think you are trying to scare somebody but I'll beat yo ass too if I could . Dumb ass nigga , I'm chained up ." Lau retorted . Larry pushed his brother back causing him to stumble back .

There was an empty look in Lau's eyes that read evil . In the state he's in , he hated being touched in a threatening way . It was like a wake up call to his reflexes and his brain to fight back with no mercy . Larry had never seen his brother look so dead and evil in his life . Skylar was scared shitless . That was the same look he gave her before he raped her . He didn't care about anything or anybody at the moment . Lau pulled and tugged at the chains hoping on will pop so he could at least choke the hell out of Larry .

Skylar began hyperventilating . She didn't know what she'd do if he got loose . He'd probably beat up Larry and then kill her . Or kill the both of them or just plain out hurt them to make them think they were killed . The room was spinning around her and everything looked blurry . She lost her balance and fell down , hitting her head on the hard floor . Everything went black for Skylar .

Larry heard a thud behind him and turned around . He saw Skglar passed out on the ground and knelt down to her level . Seeing her laid out like that made Lau feel all types of sympathy and sadness but he didn't show it . He didn't know why he felt that way , but he wanted to help her despite what he said to her . He had stopped thrashing around and just stood there watching Larry try to revive her .

"Skylar wake up . Listen to me , he no going to hurt you ." Larry cooed to her . He shook her a few times before actually getting a response . She moaned bringing her hand up to her head and hissed . She shook her head a few times before opening her eyes . She looked forward and saw Lau looking at her . She grew scared and started backing away into a wall with her hands up in front of her . "Please don't hurt me anymore !" She begged .

'But I didn't do anything .' Lau thought to himself as he sat down and continued to watch her . Larry crawled over to her and hugged her shaking body , looking at Lau . Larry shooke his head at his brother in disappointment . "Why you doing this Lau ? You put yourself in here for be stupid with Roy . Then you scare and hurt her more after she told you what you puy her through ? (shakes head) You not the older twin brother I knew a seven months ago ." Larry told his brother before picking up Skylar and leaving out of the room ..

Lau sat there and just thougth . Was he really a monster ? Did he really make her pass out ? He started feeling a new wave of guiltwash over him as he plunged deeper in his thoughts about her . She is a pretty woman he's married to . Kids . He has children of his own and he doesn't even remember . It brought tears to his eyes think of his little family . How old were they , what are their names , did they love him ? To think , a little mistake turned his life around forever .

He hasn't realized that he was crying real tears until he felt one drop on his wrist . Maybe it is time to change .


Short but meaningful . Holds a lot of passion .


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