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Skyalr POV 

I woke up alone yet again . I'm getting tired of waking up this way . I miss having him playing in my hair when I wake up . I miss it when he used to cook for me and bring me breakfast in bed . I really wish he would go back to how he was . It's been a few days since it started and I'm sick of it . He hits me for no reason . He comes in the house smelling like sex and weed yelling at me for not cooking what he wanted . I know he's been cheating on me and it hurts , it really does . But I've been with this man for over two years , almost three and I refuse to lose him over drugs and sex . 

Getting out of bed , I yawned and scratched my head slipping into my slippers and robe . I went down stairs and prepared his breakfast for him like I've been doing for the past 8 days . He'd come in looking worse everyday demanding for his food , leave , come back at night , argue with me and add to the many bruises and cuts I have on my body . I need to finish my plan fast . 

I finished putting his food on his plate and like everyday , he barged in scratching at his nose as usual . I moved to the side letting him go to his plate and simply went to my room . "GET YOU ASS DOWN HERE !" He screamed as I was halfway up the stairs . I quickly turned around and ran back down . He had the living room torn up . He looked like he was looking for something . "Where is it ??" He mumbled searching around . "WHERE IS IT ?!" He screamed as he ran his hands through his messy afro . He looked at  me mad as ever and quickly came over to me . "Did you touch it ? HUH ?" He demanded shaking me . "NO ! I don't know what you're talking about !" I cried now really really scared of what he might do . His grip tightened on my arms . I felt his fingers digging in my skin creating excruciating pain . "Ahhhh ! You're hurting me LAURENT !" I screamed . He slapped me . Again . I can't deal with this anymore .

He slammed me into a wall and wrapped his hands around my throat , cutting off my only way of breathing . "*whimpers* Stop ... I can't ....... breathe !" I let out . But that didn't stop him , his grip only got tighter around my neck . "You touched it didn't you ?" He asked . I couldn't answer him , I'm blacking out . I felt my feet lifting off the floor indicating that he was lifting me which is making it worse .


"DIDN'T YOU ?!!" He screamed at her . She scratched at his arms hoping that he would let up on her . He grew frustrated and threw her on the ground . She couched and gasped for air with tears streaming down her face . "Laurent *cough cough* what's wrong with you ? *sniffle* You almost killed me ." She cried . For a second , he almost looked guilty . He knew what he did was wrong , but he didn't know how to control it . This new drug system is changing him . He's a woman beater now . Something he wished to never be . He's turning into Daryl . And it scared him deep down inside . But further up , there's a new Laurent and it's slowly destroying what's left . 

He looked down at Skylar and tried to bring back what was left of him back up , but it didn't work . His blank expression on his face showed how much he's out of it . To Skylar , today was another reason on the cons list as to why she should leave . The pros still outweighed the cons , but they were getting pretty damn close . 

He walked out of the door not saying another word leaving Skylar down on the ground to cry and cry . Something she's been dong for the past week . Crying out all of the pain and hatred she has mustered up for him . The wedding ring on her finger doesn't mean anything to Lau apparently and that really hurts . 

Meanwhile , Larry and Harmony are at the airport ready to go Paris to do a movie . He hasn't heard anything from his brother for a week and was getting kind of worried . He knows that Lau has his things to do and the kids , but he could've at least called him . Not even a post on Instagram from him or Skylar . But he has realized that when they get into an argument or something , he and Skylar go ghost on the world around them . They don't talk or text anyone , but an argument with them don't last very long . Especially with someone like Skylar walking around . Larry knows his brother and an argument lasting longer than three days is impossible for him because he will use make up sex to clean up things . Maybe they said some hurtful things to each other and need space ? 

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through the many notifications on his phone and neither one of their names popped up . He unlocked it and pressed the call app and saw his recent attempts t call his brother and Skylar . He pressed Skylar first and waited . 

"You have reached the voicemail of *Skylars voice* It's Skylar Bourgeois , I'm not available at the moment , but please leave me a voicemail and I'll call you back ASAP . *beep* Sky where are you and my brother ? Please , it's been days since I see you two . Call me back ." He said . He hung up and tried calling his brother . 

"You have reached the voicemail of *Lau's voice* Whassup this is Laurent Les Twins . I not able to pick up right now , but leave a message and I call you back when I can . If this is Larry then you know I call you back bro . Bye guys ! *beep* Bro *sigh* I'm worried about you and you wife . Please answer me brother ." He hung up . Something was wrong . When he tried to get through to his brother's thoughts , nothing showed up . It has been something they've been able to do for years and years . How do you think they won the Juste Debout ? He sighed and let his head drop not wanting anyone to notice that he was crying . 

Skylar had gotten off the floor and slowly made her way to the bathroom in her room . The look he gave her was more than enough to say that most of him was gone . Lost in a world of drugs and sex . She prepared for the worst as she turned on the light with her eyes closed , standing in front of the mirror . When she opened her eyes , her hand flew to her mouth as she saw the ugliest hand print around her neck . Her face was still red and the mark was purpling . Her hair was a mess and her cheek was swollen . She dropped to her knees and cried . Why does this have to happen to her ? She did nothing wrong and this is what she gets . 

She crawled her way to the floor in front of her dresser and grabbed her cream bottle . She lathered her neck in it and face and put it back . She used the rest of strength and pulled herself on the bed to lay down . She needed to after an eventful morning like this . She really wished Larry was there . He's probably worried sick , blowing up their phones with texts and voicemails wondering where they were . He must be gone somewhere because he would've came over to check on them . Larry . 

Oh shit . How was she going to tell his twin brother that his other half is a drug addict ? How was she going to tell him that he hit her ? Larry was way overprotective of Skylar and would never let somebody even look at her wrong . Ever since he found her in the bathroom two to three years ago , he's been acting like the big brother she never had . He's looked out for her when there was a time she needed it . He was with her through her pregnancy , her wedding and he took her in when her and Lau were arguing . She needs him the most and he's not there . 

Lau was in his car smoking and snorting like he's been doing . But this time he was thinking . All he could think about was how pissed off Skylar . The littlest things piss him off and to try to make maters better he disciplines her . Maybe getting hit is the only way to make her do things the way he wants . Then she yells at him like he's a fucking baby which pisses him off even more . 

But maybe it's too much . He has to admit that he went a little too far today with the whole choking her out until she passes out thing . All he really could do was think about when he was tearing up the living room was how he had lost his weed . He looked everywhere but his car and was pissed . When he saw her just standing there , he thought she touched it and lashed out on her . But deep down , he regretted it . He shouldn't hurt his wife , but he can't help it . In hos case at least . He needs to smoke this off his mind . 

And that's what he did . He hot boxed his car and drove to Roy's . Maybe a stripper can help him ease this bullshit off his mind . 


Hi people ! What do you think should happen next ?


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