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Skylar POV

Did he just say what I think he said ? "What ?" I asked . He took me back in the room and closed the door . He led me to the the couch and told the babies to sit down beside me . Laurent gave David his phone for some reason and sat across from me , beside David , and nudged him . "Oh yes . Laurent's doing excellent , his behavior is back to normal , his memory is great and there's no sign of his ever doing those things again . He's free to go by 2:30 ." David smiled . "Oh my god !!" I yelled , getting out of my seat . I covered my mouth with my hand and cried . This is a dream come . I missed my Lau , the kids talk about him everyday wishing he was home . Now he is . He's coming home ! I turned around to face him and ran to him , jumping in his arms . I cried in his shoulder feeling his rub my back whispering "It's okay ." I can't even describe how happy I am really . I pulled back from the hug and kissed him . I immediately felt a response and smiled as he kept giving me little pecks . The babies got up and ran towards us hugging Lau's legs . He put me down and bent down to hug them . My knees were weak so I ended up falling down on them . I covered my face with my hands and felt strong arms a long with tiny ones wrap around me . I'm crying really hard by now , but they're happy tears . I moved my hands and brought everyone in for a group hug , resting my head on Lau's shoulder since he was in front of me . Lau mimicked my hug and told me to stop crying . "Yeah mommy . No cry , daddy here now ." Lauren told me . I laughed and dried my tears looking up at my little family . They all smiled back and told me they loved me . Of course I said it back , how could I not love them ?

Lau helped me up and turned towards David . "She took it better than I thought she would ." David said with a smile . Laurent and I laughed , taking a seat next to each other , across from David . "Hey , you should go get ready , its already 1:57 ." David said . Lau got up again and grabbed my hand , taking me in his room . He didn't have much in there , but there were a few outfits and some of his jewelry on the dresser . He pulled out a bag and began putting his stuff in it . I helped , putting his jewelry and more valuable stuff in my purse . Soon , his room was empty except for the things that didn't belong to him . I checked the time , it was 2:12 . Almost time to go home . I smiled at the fact and followed Laurent back in the living room .

"Daddy are you come home with us ?" Carter asked , leaning over Laurence's legs . Lau took my hand in his and smiled , "Yeah guys , I coming home today ." He told them . "Yaaay !!!" He cheered . Laurent laughed and I smiled . God I can't wait until 2:30 comes . I looked around and frowned . Where's David ? He was just here before we cleaned up Lau's stuff . Just as I was about to ask Lau , I heard the door open . Oh , its David . But where did he go . "Good news Laurent , you get to leave early . I talked to the manager of this floor and he said it would be alright for you to head out ." David gave Lau and hug and me too . He is such a nice person . "See you guys later ." He said before walking out with his stuff .

I sighed and held out my other hand and so did Lau . Laurence and Lauren took the which left Carter to get a piggy back ride . Lau bent down with a smile and stood up when he was sure Carter was secure . "You ready to go ?" I asked . He looked around for a bit and then down at me before nodding his head .

"Man I really missed this ." Lau said when we finally reached our neighborhood . I looked over at him and smiled , grabbing his hand . He brought it up to his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it , rubbing his thumb over it after . My smile never dropped as I kept driving . I drive past Larry's and saw a bunch of cars parked in his yard . He must be having a party or something . Oh well , more family time for us . I pulled up in our driveway and got out to get the kids . I unbuckled their car seats and picked them up and sat them down on the ground . Lau was looking around at the house while I did that , probably taking everything in .

"Come on guys ." I told the babies who were scattered around . They ran back up to us and waited behind me to open the door . Once we stepped in , it was really dark . I could've swore I left my blinds open for some light . "Baby just turn on the light ." Lau said behind me . I reach to my right and flicked on the light .

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