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Lau came in the house and slammed it after letting Skylar in . "What the fuck was that Skylar ??!!" He screamed , throwing his things on the floor . She jumped from the loud booming sound of his voice . "I didn't do anything you . Why are you yelling at me ?" She asked feeling emotional and angry . Everything was fine 30 minutes ago , but what's wrong now ? "Don't do that Sky , I saw you and that guy ." He gritted through his teeth . "I didn't do anything with him ." She argued , taking the scruchie out of her hair , scratching it . "I saw you giggling and blushing with him , then you step closer to him ." He stated . He was furious now . He was so upset , thinking his wife was possibly having an affair . She looked at him in disbelief . Like she was actually going to cheat on her husband that she promised to stay loyal to for as long as she lives . This was a new low for Lau .

"WHAT ? I'd never cheat on you . I received a compliment from him , and when HE stepped closer to ME , I backed up and told him I was happily married ... *sigh* I am so tired of you accusing me doing things when most of the time , you're halfway across the world in many sexual picture with other women *tears* . And not once did I say something to you because I trust you . Now I know where I stand in this marriage ." She shot back unable to control her tears . By now , Lau is feeling nothing but guilt and sadness listening what his wife just said . What was wrong with him lately ? He's been nothing but angry and taking it out on the wrong person . He didn't know and it frustrated him . He stood there so long trying to think and didn't notice that his wife had already went upstairs to clean herself up . He knew she needed some time to chill and he was willing to give it to her . He needed something to help him control his anger and he knew just the person to call . But first , a shower is needed .

Back upstairs with Skylar , she had already went into the shower to wash the salt off her body . She had also took the time to clean the makeup off her face to let her pores breathe . When she was done with all of that , she got out of the bathroom and went to sit on the edge of the bed to lotion up . What happened downstairs was just something in the past now . She cried a little in the shower , then came to realize that if she had seen Lau in the same position , she would've did the same thing . She couldn't stay mad at him anyways . Who could ? She decided to do something for him . Make it up to him . She already knows he has anger issues , so it's not his fault . He can't control it .

She wasn't up for sex , but she does want to cuddle and have him hold her . After she was done moisturizing her skin , she got up and picked out a pair of panties and one of Lau's favorite shirts . His green on with the long tail that looked like a cute dress on her . She quickly brushed the rest of her curls out and put her hair in a damp pony tail . She walked out of the door and went down the hall in the guest bedroom where he would most likely be . She opened the door and saw him laying on his side trying to go to sleep which is impossible without Skylar in his arms . He heard the door crack open and looked down at her in his clothes . He wanted to smile , but he couldn't . He was still very upset with himself for going off on her . Skylar made her way over to him and saw his hair was brushed back in a very sexy puffball pony . "Come on , let's go to bed .." She whispered before kidding his lips softly . There's not need in arguing , so he followed her to their room holding hands and laid down with her in the bed . She climbed in after and threw her right leg over his and put her head on his shoulder .

"Lau ?" She whispered . "Hmm ?" He said while looking down at her . She sat up and straddled his lap , playing with his hand . "I can't blame you for being suspicious . If you were in the same situation , I would've thought the same thing ." She said while looking down a his chest , making her fingers walk along his abs . She can't help but to touch him in some way , it's something she has to do . "I know but it's my anger that get me where I am . I not try to be mad , it just come out and I no mean to ." He said while rubbing her sides up and down slowly . He actually thought it was kind of cute just being in his favorite shirt . "I don't care about your anger . It's a part of you and I love you . Every little thing about you ." She said . She bent down and kissed his nose then his lips . "Now let's just lay here and go to sleep ." She whispered followed by a cute smile that made him smile . She started to climb off his lap , but he pulled her arm . "I want you to lay on me . I like it when you do that ." He smiled . She giggled and laid down on him putting her head on his shoulder .

She reached over and decided to update her snapchat story . She turned the flash on and took a picture of her laying on his chest with his arms around her with a caption of

"Just got out of an argument . He feels bad , so we somehow ended up like this ."

She posted it and turned her phone off . "Baby ?" She called out . No answer . He must be asleep already . She slid up to his face and planted a kiss on his lips before laying back down and covering them up . She closed her eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep .

The sun was shining brightly in the sky warming up the air . Birds chirped and passing cars made noise , but that wasn't enough to wake up Lau . He was still sleeping while Skylar was up . Lau left a few minute earlier to get help from one of his friends Roy . Sky took the time to clean herself up and the room . She called her mom to see if the kids were okay and they were . They had won tickets to Paris to go to a children's amusement park . They'll be gone for a few months with their other grandma and grandpa . She'll miss them , but she needs this time to herself anyways .

She figured that Lau would go out and buy himself some breakfast or eat with Roy or something , so she made herself some breakfast . She only had a waffle , strawberries , bacon and orange juice . She ate by herself at the large dining room table meant for six . There was always a missing seat because her family consists of five , but all of the seats were missing . It's been almost two hours , where in the hell is Lau ? I mean , it doesn't take somebody two hours to talk .

Skylar pushed all of the bad thoughts to the back of her mind and washed her plate and fork . She sat in the living room and watched turned on the TV . She channel surfed looking for something to watch and found nothing . She sighed and looked at the door hoping for someone to come through it or knock , but nothing . She laid down on the couch feeling bored and kind of sleepy and blankly stared at the TV . In no time , she was fast asleep .

Now it was night and Skylar had just woken up and still no Lau . He didn't even text her back when she asked where he was . She had gotten extremely worried now and was on the verge of calling the police to report a missing person . She was crying , desperately trying to call him , but got no answer . Then , the sound of skid marks and a loud slam was heard from outside . The door was already locked , so there's no need in getting up to unlock it . "WOOOOO !!!" He screamed walking in . Something was off about him . His hair is messier than usual , his clothes were ruffed up and why is he rubbing his nose like that ? "LAU ! Calm down . Where have you been all day ? I was worried sick about you ." Skylar interrogated with her arms across her chest . He rubbed at his nose and spoke loudly . "I was at Roy place man . He make me have a good time too bruh !" He said while hoping around in one place .

"I don't care what he made you feel like , I want you to tell me why you haven't been answering my calls and texts ." She said , pissed off . His smile dropped and sniffed once before answering . "I want you to get the fuck out of my damn business !!" He yelled . She put her hands on her hips not believing what was going on at the moment . "Who the hell you talking to nigga . I'm fucking grown you betta stop talking to me like I'm a fucking child !" She fired back . Wrong move Skylar . He quickly stepped in front of her and looked at her with emptiness in his eyes . "What the fuck you say to me ?" He asked deadly calm . She grew scared . She searched in his eyes not finding much but darkness . The glow in them was gone and they didn't twinkle like they always do . She remembered seeing those exact same eyes before and it wasn't from a person she would like to remember . "U-uh ..." She stuttered feeling tears fogging up her vision .

Something terrible happened . Something that will change her life and the way she looks at her husband . He pushed her hard . She fell on her butt and let the tears fall feeling deja vu . This has to be a nightmare . What's going on with Laurent . He doesn't even look the same anymore , he's pale and looks cold . Something happened at Roy's house . "Don't fucking talk to me like that dumb ass bitch ."


I'm sorry , I had to . I don't like Lau being the bad guy , but hey .... this is life . SORRY !!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't hate me

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