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Skylar POV 

Once I got myself together , I dried my tears and sat up . I scooted closer to the edge of the bed and carefully stood to my feet and held onto the dresser beside the bed . I slowly limped to the section where my bra and panties were and opened it . I found some random ones and put them on despite my pain . I dried my tears feeling like I did enough crying and screaming for tonight . I made my way back to the bed and picked up my cream bottle . It was almost empty , but I used the rest of it on my legs since I figured that I'd be running . I laid back and pulled my legs up on the bed to heal them quicker . 

I was still tired , so I just closed my eyes in need of a small twenty minute nap just to let the cream do it's magic ...


Lau was doing his usual routine , smoke , drink and sleep after . But this time something didn't feel right . He knew he raped her and he didn't feel guilty about it because he gets what's his and he doesn't take no for an answer . But it just didn't feel right . He remembered seeing her face the whole time . The pure and utter pain she was in as he literally ripped her open . When he hit her many times before , she didn't show as much pain as she did this time around . 

He almost felt bad about doing it but never guilty . Before he came in the house , one of Roy's strippers denied him in fulfilling his pleasurable needs and left him in the sex room . His last resort was Skylar since she wasn't going to leave and would probably be sleeping anyways so he did what he did . When she said no it sparked up a whole new anger in him . He was already frustrated enough from being rejected once but twice is not in his vocabulary . At least not anymore .... 

Sighing , he picked up his phone and looked at the time . He's been thinking about this for at least thirty minutes now . She probably just getting out of the shower or something . He was about to muster up a way to say sorry . It didn't feel right to show sympathy for him but Skylar is still his wife , by law that is . 

Skylar POV 

My low alarm clock just went off indicating that the cream has settle in and is ready .  Now at least I can move my legs and kind of walk around . It's gonna take a lot of energy and power to run , but I don't care , as long as I get away from Lau . I haven't even seen my kids in over a course of almost three months . I miss them and I miss Larry and Harmony and the twins . He's kept me from seeing the people I love most besides him and it hurts . Not anymore . 

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and carefully tossed my legs over the edge of the bed . I stood to my feet and winced at the pain coursing through my lower region and inner thighs . At least now I can bear it . I slowly walked to my closet and found some black tights and a black shirt . I threw them on and put on my black and grey North Face jacket since it's pretty chilly outside . I went to grab my shoes and put them on , but as soon as I laced up the first one , heard footsteps coming up the stairs . 

I panicked and quickly tied the other one and tiptoed to the window , but ....... I wasn't fast enough . He came in and saw me about to escape . In a split second , I found myself on the other side of the room on the ground with him walking towards me . He threw me . Okay this time he's not going to get away with beating me . I'm going to try to fight back this time . Once he came over to me , he jacked me up to my feet and pushed m back . "YOU TRYING TO LEAVE ME ??? HUH ??!! YOU TRYING TO LEAVE ME ???" He yelled . He slammed his fist into his hand and bit back an angry smile . I took the chance and swung my leg forwards , between his landing it in his soft spot . He groaned , holding his sack and fell to the ground . 

I made a beeline to the door , but fell forwards feeling his hand grip my ankle . In fear , I turned my body around and saw him crawling to his feet , so I kicked my other foot forward aiming for his hand . He drew it back cursing at the pain . I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran out of the do.or , closing it quickly . I took a small key from under a rug in front of the door and  locked it from the outside hearing a huge thud as soon as I locked it . I put the key in my shoe and ran down the stairs hearing him screaming , "OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR !!!" I felt tears brimming my eyes as I jumped down the last few stairs . 

As soon as I opened the door , I heard a crack of wood , then the wood breaking . He kicked the door down . I ran out and just started running towards the woods . I know a path to the rehab center by heart . I just have to cross the road . Just to be sure , I looked back and saw him just starting to run towards me . Picking up my pace , I made it to the road and ran across it no problem , jumping clean over a small ditch beside it . I looked back and saw Lau dodging two cars that came by . I kept running and ran straight into the woods , stepping on a familiar path . Once I was about ten seconds into the run , I heard him coming started to panic . What if he catches me ? He'd kill me if he did . I can't let that happen . I have to do this .... for my kids , Larry and his family . 

I came across this wide river and stepped on the rock path across it . To gain extra time , I kicked the loose rocks making them float down the stream . So if he wants to catch me , he's going to have to jump across the river or hope he doesn't get caught in it if he walks across it . Now this part of the path is kind of over grown having holes and elongated thorn branches from nearby rose bushes . I braced myself and started running through the thicket . I screamed as various thorns and branches . 

As corny as it sounds , I tripped and fell in a hole full of thorny branches and leaves . My foot was caught in it and it would hurt like hell if I just pulled it out . I heard him coming closer and began crying as I forcefully pulled my leg out of the hole . I felt my flesh ripping and my shoe tearing . Once I puled it out , I screamed "FUCK !" as I got back up . I saw him in the distance and pulled myself to my feet and began limping away . I can see the rehab center not too far away from here . It's about a few minute run from here . I grabbed a fallen branch on the ground and threw it behind me hearing a thud and the rustling of leaves . He tripped over it , but that didn't stop him from grabbing my injured leg . I screamed felling absolute pain and fell forwards in the leaves . 

I screamed and kicked at his hand with my good foot and wiggled it around trying to get away . I felt my good leg becoming sore and I'm pretty sure he's already gotten out of the thorn hole by the looks of it . He climbed on top of me and punched me in the jaw most likely breaking it because I heard and felt a crack . I grabbed a handful of dirt and shoved it in his face making him fall off of me . I scrambled to my feet and was pulled back into his chest and shoved onto a low tree branch and lifted me up , possibly cracking my ribs when I started to struggle to breathe . I kneed him in the balls again making him drop me to me feet and catch my breath while limping away again . He grabbed my arm and twisted it back making my hand touch the back of my neck . I screamed out in pain and shoved my foot back into his knee making him scream out in pain . He let go of me and cradled his injury as I began running despite the pain I felt . 

I wasn't going too fast , but I did hear him beginning to chase after me . I can see the rehab center as clear as day now . All I have to do is go a little farther and catch the tranquilizer guards attention . I looked back and saw him jogging towards me getting closer and closer . I quickened my pace just a little and finally made it out of the woods . "HELP ME !!! PLEASE HELP ME !!!!" I screamed . The two guards looked around to see where the voice was coming from , so I kept going until they saw my shadow approaching them . "HEEELP !!" I cried out to them , but just as soon as I was about to reach them , I was pulled back by Laurent as he covered my mouth . My screams were muffled by his hand as he held me as a human shield to the tranquilizer dart guns . 

"Sir let her go !" They yelled at him . "Fuck you !" Lau yelled back . I heard a gun go off and winced . I looked down and saw a dart sticking out of his arm . His grip loosened as he fell to the ground behind me . I slowly made my way over to them and hugged them both feeling as if a weight was being lifted off my chest . I cried , hard . My adrenaline was pumping so hard , the actual intensity of the pain caused on my body was going full scale . Until now . I felt the burning sensation of pain in my leg and chest . My arm felt like it was caught in a meat grinder and my skin was covered in cuts and bruises . I held my chest in pain as I lost control of my legs and fell into the guards arms . The last thing I remember hearing was "Joe call 911 ." before I blacked out . 


I couldn't wait any longer . I had to make her escape . Sorry if it was too soon . But I can't go on and on about it . I have to write chapters with Lau being in rehab and Skylar meeting up with Larry and the kids . So there will be about 7 to 8 chapters left or less . Just a heads up !

But I'm glad Skylar is finally free . 

See ya next time !

Bye - Bye !!!

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