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"So that's everything he did to you ?" The doctor asked . Skylar nodded her head yes and sniffled . Just talking about what happened made her cry . It was a very emotional and painful topic to cover and she was glad she finally finished the ten minute story . "I'm sorry that happened to you darling ." The doctor said leaning down to hug her . She wanted to return the favor , but she couldn't move her arms , they were in too much pain . "It's okay . I'm okay now . I'm not in that situation anymore ." She said . He nodded and said goodbye , so he could tell the police what really happened . 

She sighed again and shifted slightly so she could see the TV . There's nothing better to do than just sit around and watch TV all day . She can't go anywhere . A gentle knock was heard soon after she got into the show . She looked down and pressed the green button on a remote that read 'Open door' . She looked in the direction of the door and waited for the person to come in . 

"Skylar ?" A familiar voice said . She knew that voice anywhere . But how did he get all the way down here ? "Larry ?" She asked , tears brimming her eyes . He rushed over to her and hugged her limp body . He silently cried in her arms and told her how much he was worried about her and Lau . 

"What did he do to you ?" He asked in a hushed tone looking over her battered body . "You might want to sit down , this is going to take a while ." She said looking at the empty chair beside her bed . He sat down and wiped his face now giving her his full and undivided attention . 

"It started about three or four months ago when he left one day saying he was going over to a friend's house . It took him hours and hours to get back and when he did , I could tell something was off about him . He kept rubbing his nose and it looked like he was bouncing around and screaming everywhere he just couldn't keep still and he smelled of sex . I asked him where he was and that I've been worried about him and he blew up in my face saying something about how I was always in his business . T-then he pushed me on the ground (tears) . He called me names and told me to go upstairs . I wanted to , but I couldn't move so he grabbed me and started pulling me . I yelled at him and told him to stop and that's when h-he hit m-me (cries) ...... I tried to call you the next morning , but he took my phone and accused me of having an affair with you . He left and went downstairs yelling about something he lost . He blamed me for it a-and s-started chocking me on the wall (cries) I thought I was going to die ............ Then he beat me up and left . The next ten weeks were the same , I'd get hit for something dumb and blamed for shit I didn't do ." She paused to catch her breath and pull herself together . "Yesterday , I was asleep and he came in making a lot of noise . I went downstairs and saw him just sitting back on the couch and went to go back upstairs to sleep . He cam eon to me and tried to get me into having sex with him with a nasty kiss and I refused . Laurent chased me up the stairs and threw me on the bed .......... (cries really hard) He raped me ! That bastard rape me Larry ! He said he wouldn't do it , but he did !!!" She cried . 

Larry leaned down and put her face in his chest to muffle her loud cries . "He raped me !!" She screamed letting all of her frustrations out . Larry couldn't believe what he was hearing . His brother , his twin , the person who saved his sister from her life of hell and pain put her back in it ? He raped her ? He felt fresh tears sliding down his face as he held her . From all of the things he has been told today and last night , he doesn't even know if he wants to see his brother . He'd afraid to see what has become of him , but it would be wrong not to since they promised each other to stick together no matter what . 

"Shhhhh .... He no here anymore belle . He not going to hurt you anymore ." He reassured her as he rocked her back and fourth trying to get her blood pressure back down . Slowly , he heard her cries getting softer and her grip getting looser . He looked down and saw that she had cried herself to sleep , something she's been doing for months now . He laid her down and covered her up . Larry brought her flowers and a get well teddy , but never got the chance to give it to her . He picked his gifts up put if the chair and laid the bear beside her and the flowers on the bottom of her bed . He dried his tears and made his way out of the room quietly . 

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