Movie Night

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"So lil sister, what do you wanna watch?" Ethan says, showing me the three DVD's he picked from the movie shelf.

The purge.

The conjuring.

Or insidious.

Good thing we both love horror movies.

"Lets watch them all and whoever falls asleep first has to cook the winner breakfast." I say, smirking.

He nods, accepting my competition.

"Which one first?" He says, wiggling his eyebrows in a mischievous manner.

"The conjuring, duhh." I wink, giggling at our silliness.

He puts in the DVD and sits down on the couch, patting the couch showing me to sit.

I grab the popcorn from the coffee table and throw a piece at Ethan.

"Throw a piece at my mouth and see if I can catch it!" He says, opening his mouth wide.

I grab a piece of popcorn and toss it into his mouth.

"Good puppy." I giggle, talking in my babying dog voice.

He rolls his eyes and puts his feet on the coffee table.

"Mom says no feet on the table." I look at Ethan.

"Mom isn't here." He says smirking.

I think Ethan is trouble. I am so good at reading people, I know everything about him just from hearing his stories and the family talking about him.

He loves Starbucks and skateboarding.

He has gotten in five school fights but two were for good reasons.

He loves the store Abercrombie and hates the store Aeropostale, although they're basically the same.

He wears snapbacks and beanies, occasionally.

He plays the drums and guitar, I wonder if he sings?

"Ethan, have you ever sang?" I ask, curious.

"No?" He asks, confused.

"Oh I was just wondering." I lie. I'm pretty certain I hear him singing in the shower before school some mornings.

The previews end and the movie starts.

'Based on real life events and on a true story' pops up on the screen and I poke Ethan in the ribs with my pointer finger "ooh scary.." I smirk. He just rolls his eyes and glues his eyes to the screen.
"I can't believe you're still awake." Ethan says, poking me in the arm.

"Well insidious does freak me out. This is the only horror movie that gets to me." I admit.

"It's okay, I'll protect you from the demons." He says smirking at me.

I roll my eyes and bring my knees to my chest, hiding my face in my knees when the guy gets possessed.

"Hey, did you fall asleep?" Ethan whispers.

"No, I was hiding.." I admit.

"Well we made it through all three movies." He says smiling at me.

"Time for bed." I say, jumping up from the couch and running upstairs, leaving Ethan in complete darkness.

-Ethan's POV-

"Chloe?" I stand at the bottom of the staircase, in complete and utter darkness.

"Chloe Marie, don't you dare scare me.." I start walking up the stairs, gripping the hand rail.

I feel something touch my back and whirl around, to see nothing.

I quicken my pace up the stairs and I feel my heart start beating faster.

"Chloe!" I say into the dark, frantically.

I grab the knob of her bedroom door and open it, the door opening slowly on it's own.

"Chloe Bryant I swear.." I whisper into the darkness.

Okay, yes I know, I'm the big bad jock. The captain of the football team, but this shit is getting eerie, and Chloe is the type of girl to be able to scare you to death.

I step forward into her room and the door slams behind me. "Chloe!" I scream, whirling around.

No one is there.

I feel a presence behind me but don't wanna turn around. The old 50's music from the conjuring starts playing, and I start shaking.

I feel a cold breeze on my back and I try to move but my feet are stuck on the floor.

*clap clap*

I let out a bloodcurdling scream and the lights come on.

"Hahahaha! You should have heard how scared you were!" Chloe walks out in front of me.

"Chloe what the actual hell!?" I shout at her. She just laughs.

"Aww is captain football scared?" She says, in her babying voice.

"No, I was just acting.." I lie, on the inside I am screaming: 'are you fucking insane!?'

"Sure. Well get out, I'm going to bed." She says chuckling at me

"Look, I know I'm older but you really scared me, can I sleep with you?" I ask, looking at my feet.

"Uhm, sure, I guess that's okay." She says, coughing awkwardly.

"Thanks." I start unbuckling my pants.

"Woah!" She holds up a hand, "what are you doing?" She asks.

"Uh I sleep in boxers?" I say.

"Not in my room, it's weird. We're brother and sister." She says.

That's all you think of me. I'm just your brother. Ive liked you since day one.

"Oh, okay. Yeah it would be kind of weird, now that your mention it." I say, quietly.

I walk to the next door over and change into my pajama bottom, I take off my shirt and look in my mirror, ruffling my hair.

Dude, what the fuck. She's your sister, stop liking her. I mentally stab myself and walk back to her room.

My mouth parts slightly, seeing Chloe. She's wearing a white see through tank top, that fits her figure well, and pink fuzzy shorts. I can barely see her neon green bra.

"So are you sleeping in the floor what?" Chloe looks me in the eyes.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You can sleep with me or in the floor, pick one." She states.

"Uh, floor." I say.

I couldn't risk my 'little buddy' poking Chloe while we sleep, then she'll realize I have a crush on her.

I need to get a grip.

"You okay?" Chloe asks, snapping her fingers in front of my eyes.

"Yeah, just thinkin. Well goodnight." I lay in the floor and turn on my side, so my back is facing the bed.

Dude, stop being such a daisy. I wrap the blankets around me.

Ahh, they smell like Chloe. Sugar cookies and vanilla, mmh. It's so warm and sweet.

I mentally stab myself 5,957 times and close my eyes, trying to think of anyone but Chloe.

Why do I like her so much?

Okay so I hope that chapter was a little better. Yes, Ethan likes Chloe but they're not related so it's okay but Ethan thinks it's wrong.

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