We Need To Talk

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A/N-Okay, so I know this is may be confusing to read for some of you but the whole point of the story is about a step sibling relationship an the brother likes the sister but she doesn't feel the same. Now that this is out of the way, back to the chapter.

"Can you come get me?" I speak into the phone, I didn't even give Ethan time to say hello.

"Chloe?" He asks, recognizing my voice.

"Yes it's me, just please come get me I'm on fifth street on the corner of cherry blossom and oak avenue." I say, hanging up the phone.

I walk back and forth, watching cars drive up and down the street.

Green one! I think to myself. My dad and I use to play a game and whenever we would see a car other than white, black, and silver, we would scream the color.

That was when my family was whole and pure. Now it is broken and messed up, well with Ethan and I.

We really need to get our stuff together. I don't want to fight with him. I don't want us to hate each other. I love him to death just not in that way.

A red Chevy truck pulls up beside me, the window rolls down; it's Ethan.

He nods his head, indicating for me to get in.

I open the door and sit down. The silence is so awkward and thick.

"Look," Ethan starts off putting the truck in park. "I like you. My feelings probably aren't going to change. You are just so beautiful and fun and my type. I am so sorry for the kiss tonight Chloe, I am." He looks in my eyes, the lamp post on the sidewalk shining down on us.

I stay silent and let his apology sink in. I look into his eyes, seeing the true emotion: sadness and hurt.

I feel so sorry for him.

I scoot over a little just so were close enough. I wrap my small arms around his torso and give him a hug. His arms snake around my back and he lays his head on mine.

"No, I'm sorry." I whisper, remembering how big of a bitch I was.

I feel him nod slightly, accepting my apology.

I pull away and smile at him. "So are we okay?" I ask.

"Of course." He says showing his dimples.

"So do we just act normal or what?" I ask kind of confused.

"I guess so. Where did you go?" He asks, curious.

"I went to Justin's house, I was gonna sleepover but-" I stop from talking, not wanting to continue.

"Did you guys...?" He trails off, looking everywhere but my eyes.

"Almost but no, he pissed me off so I stopped him." Ethan just nods and starts the engine, pulling away from the curb.

I realize I never moved from the middle spot of the seat in the truck and I kinda start scooting to the right of me in the other seat.

"Please stay?" Ethan gives me a quick glance of puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip.

"Okay.." I whisper, buckling my seatbelt back.

He gives a quick smile and continues driving.

I reach for the radio just as Ethan does and his finger tips brush against mine and we pull away quickly at the same time.

I cough obnoxiously and reach for the radio again, turning it on.

'Strawberry wine! 17, a hot July moon saw everything..' A country song starts playing apparently called strawberry wine.

"This was my moms favorite song." Ethan says softly.

I leave it on the station and feel my eyes getting heavy. We still have thirty minutes before we get home.

Ethan rolls the windows down, letting the cool 4 AM wind breeze through.

I close my eyes for a second and start dozing off.

Ethan's POV

"Hey Chlo?" Her head laying on my shoulder. I shake her gently.

"Chloe, we're home." She stirs awake and rubs the sleep from her eyes.

"I don't wanna walk, and you're comfy." She states, still sleepy.

"I'll carry you, if you want. Or maybe that'd be weird.." I trail off.

"No, carry me, I'm too sleepy." She says, half asleep.

I wrap her arms around my neck and sling her legs over my arm, carrying he bridal style.

I struggle with my keys, trying to unlock the door. I successfully enter and close the door behind me with my foot.

Thank god she isn't heavy because I have fourteen stairs to climb.

I slowly start walking up the stairs.

I hear her softly snoring in my ear. Not a loud chainsaw snore but a cute sleepy kind of kitten snore.

She snuggles her head closer into the crease of my neck, her warm breath making goosebumps appear.

I walk through her door and lay her on the bed, and put her fuzzy yellow blanket on her.

"Night Chloe." I whisper before shutting the door.

I sigh, thinking over the events that occurred today.

I slip off my shoes and take off my shirt and jeans.

Dude she will end up liking you back, I mentally speak to myself.

How could she not, you're a total jock and super sweet and bad ass at video games, I give myself confidence while slinging my blankets back.

I crawl under my plush sheets and snuggle close to the material.

Then again Chloe is pretty head strong and if she doesn't like a guy, she really only wants to be his friend. I frown at this thought.

Oh well, whatever happens will happen.
Who do you guys like? Ethan & Chloe or Justin & Chloe.

Sorry for taking so long to update but school and friends and outside of school is just ughh..life.

I hope you like the story so far and if you're reading my other book 'safe' then I will be updating tomorrow (Wednesday).

Thanks for being patient.

Vote/comment, thanks lovelies!(:

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