There's A First For Everything

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*Chloe's POV*

"We could go to the mall, if you want." Brandon suggests and I wrinkle my nose in disgust. "Or not," he chuckles and I grab the hand he isn't driving with and smile at how perfectly his hand fits in mine.

"We could go-" I'm interrupted by Brandon's phone ringing. I unhook our fingers and he digs into his pocket while trying to keep the car on the road. I stay silent as he answers.


"Mom, I'm kind of bus-"

"Fine, see you in a few." He hangs up the phone and I can feel my happiness fade slightly.

"That was my mom," he sighs. "She needs me to go with her to a banquet in twenty minutes. I love how she pins things on me in the last minute."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault. You can come, if you'd like. It's a banquet for the animal organization of Miami." He smiles at me when we reach a stoplight. I return the smile but shake my head, "No thanks. I kind of want to but I should be getting home. I still have a lot to do and it's almost dinner time. Plus, I have school tomorrow."

"Oh, okay." We turn onto my road and I can see the sad expression he is wearing. We pull up beside the curb and I look at him until he looks me in the eyes.

"Thank you for such a great day." I peck his cheek and barely pull away before I find my lips on his again. I am so infatuated with him and I know I shouldn't be but I am.

"You're welcome," he smiles and starts blushing. I open the car door to leave but he grabs my hand. "Can I call you later?" I am flattered by his question and find myself at a loss of words. I nod and he releases my hand. I watch as he drives away and finally enter the dreadful place I call home.

I close the door quietly just in case Ethan is home. I don't want to have an encounter with him. I set my bags on the counter and notice the unopened letter on the table. I rip the top open and unfold the crisp white letter that still smells of freshly dropped ink.

Miss Bryant, we are very ecstatic to assure you that you have been accepted on a full scholarship to New York University and expect you to join us in the second week of November when our fall semester starts. If you have any questions please call us at 321-123-1122 or email us at Thank you for being such a prestige and honorable student. You are the youngest to ever be accepted into NYU and we know you will not let us down. See you soon!
~Headmaster Jennifer Dean.~

Oh my gosh! The headmaster of the university personally wrote this letter to me! My excitement immediately comes to a halt as I hear Ethan's voice come from the living room.

"No, and I don't know! I mean, I just haven't been able to think straight lately. I don't know what's wrong with me. I wish I wasn't such a fuck up!" I can hear the pain in his voice but I don't want to go in there right now. I take a peak around the corner and I realize they still don't know I'm here.

"Well, I'm sending you to a therapist and an anger management class." I almost gasp at David's words but cover my mouth to keep quiet. I can't believe he's actually sending Ethan to a therapist. Why does he need one anyways? Probably more secrets. He's so pathetic.

"I'm home," I pretend to open then close the door again. I walk into the living room and my eyes meet Ethan's right away. David leaves the room and my mouth parts to speak but I can't find the right words.

"I, uh-" Ethan begins to speak but I cut him off. I have to end this now.

"Ethan, don't. We can't do this anymore. I'm done. I have no energy left for you. I'm sorry." I quickly exit the living room because I can feel the tears pricking at my eyes. I rush to my room and thank god that I didn't see David on the way.

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