I Was Wrong

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I stop at the top of the stairs and watch Chloe run to the door. Before she opens it she turns around, meeting my gaze. I see tears in her eyes and she just shakes her head before closing the door behind her.

"C'mon!" Mia tugs at my hand.

I feel kind of bad for treating Chloe this way. I feel like we have been through so much together. I liked her.

"Okay." I follow Mia, thinking everything over.

We come to a closed door and she opens it slowly, then we walk in.

She quickly pushes me to the door, sliding her hand down in my pants, below my waist. I bite my lip at the feeling of pleasure but I can not get Chloe out of my mind.

Mia starts to unbutton my pants but I stop her. "I can't do this." I button my pants back.

"What do you mean?" She clenches her teeth together.

"I don't like you Mia. I like Chloe." I grab the door handle about to leave.

"No!" She shouts, pushing the door closed. "You wanted to lose your virginity to me!"

"That was when I was stupid." Smooth talking dumbass. You were stupid like 15 minutes ago.

"Ya know what? Leave! I'm a senior and you're a stupid junior." She hits me with the door, trying to open it.

"Wow. If I do recall, you are the one who was trying to get me in bed." I glare at her. She glares right back, silently.

"Exactly." I step out of the room and into the hallway.

"Fuck you!" She slams the door and I rush down the stairs. I need to find Chloe! I didn't mean to make her cry. Mia told me she wasn't a virgin and everything. I should've believed Chlo.

I run out the door in hopes of her maybe still outside. Nope. She's not here. I see Ethan and walk over to him. "Have you seen where Chloe went?"

"Yeah she texted me and said she was on her way home, why?" His eyes get wide.

"No reason, I just have to see her."

I say goodbye and jog down the sidewalk looking for Chloe. I pull out my phone and dial her number.

"Hey it's Chloe." It went straight to voice mail. "Leave a message after the beep." She rejected my call!

"Chloe! I'm so sorry!" I shout into the phone. "Please forgive me! I was stupid and a faggot and I didn't mean anything!"

I walk past Starbucks, the front of the store nothing but windows and a glass door. I look inside to see if she was in there. No sign of her.

I continue jogging down the street looking for her, even screaming her name a few times.

I finally reach her house and slam my fist against the red door. "Chloe!"

The door swings open and I see Chloe standing there, her dress slightly crooked. Her eyes are red and puffy and still a little wet from crying. Her hair is all frizzy and tangled from running home.

"What." She tries to straighten herself, pretending to be strong and perfectly okay.

"Chloe I'm so sorry! I was stupid and I didn't mean to-" she starts closing the door. I put my foot through the crack of the door just before she closes it.

"Chloe listen to me!" I shout becoming frantic.

"You have two minutes." She opens the door slightly, stepping out on the sidewalk.

"Mia said you lied to me. She said you weren't a virgin. I really like you and for me to go with Mia was the stupidest decision of my life!" I pant for breath, looking into her eyes.

"Ok." She crosses her arms leaning against the door. Her eyes avoid locking with mine. "Bye Colton."

She starts walking back inside but I grab her waist and look down at her, the tears in her eyes, her tangled hair and running makeup. All of that and I still find her absolutely stunning.

"Let go! I hate you!" She starts kicking her legs as I pick her up. She pounds her fists on my back.

"No!" I argue and sit her in the grass and sit beside her. "Go away!" She tries to stand up but I grab her hand.

"Chloe I love you okay!" I blurt out and he'd eyes get big as she stares at me. Compassion replaces the anger and hurt in her eyes.

"Yeah.." She whispers, looking away.

"It's true. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me! You are gorgeous and insanely amazing in every single way possible. I like you a lot. I love you Chloe!"

Chloe turns her head and our eyes meet. I raise my right hand, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and she blushes. I rest my hand on her cheek and lean in, pressing my lips to hers.

*Chloe's POV*

I close my eyes feeling Colton's warm lips on mine. His lips on mine feel so perfect. But he hurt me. I'm mad at him.

I pull away and look down at the ground. "I think you should leave." I whisper.

"W-what?" He whimpers. "I said I'm sorry, doesn't that fix it?"

"No, Colton. Please, just leave." I bite my lip, fighting back the tears.

He stands up and starts walking down the walk. I watch him until he is out of sight and I stand up, running inside.

I sling myself down on the couch, laying on my stomach. Tears start rushing down my cheeks. My sobs turn into blubbering and I sit up, pulling my knees to my chest and putting my head on my knees.

I stay like this for what feels like hours. The tears finally dry up and I sit there in the same position, feeling nothing but numbness and depression.

I hear the front door screech open but I continue to sit in my ball. "Chloe, I'm home!" I hear Ethan's deep voice echo through the house.

"Hey, you okay?" I remain motionless as Ethan sits beside me.

"Yeah." My voice cracks but I remain in my ball of sadness.

"No you aren't." He protests.

"Ethan, I'm f-fine." I start sobbing again, remembering what I was crying for in the first place.

"What's wrong?" He picks grabs my chin, lifting my head up to look at him.

*Ethan's POV*

"Chloe I am so sorry. I can not believe he did that to you." I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close to my body. She sniffles and pulls away, wiping her mascara stained eyes.

"It's okay. I just thought he actually cared." She sighs, our eyes still connected.

I grab her hand, intertwining our fingers and to my surprise she doesn't pull away. "He has no idea what he has done. He is missing out on a beautiful and amazingly perfect girl. Any guy would be lucky to date you. You're extraordinary, Chlo."

She gives me a weak smile and looks down, "thank you."

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." I give her a reassuring smile.

She looks up at me and our eyes meet. She leans upward, her eyes closed. She's really going to kiss me!

Her sweet smooth lips press against mine and I move my lips in sync with hers. I slide my tongue over her bottom lip and she lets out a soft moan. That's a turn on.

She leans more forward, pushing me on my back and laying on top of me without breaking the kiss. I put my hands on her hips as she runs her hands through my hair.

She pulls away, looking into my eyes.
"Can I do something?" She whispers.

I nod curiously. I stay silent as she lowers her head to my ear. "Thank you, for everything." She kisses below my ear and starts to kiss across my jawline.

I rub my hands up and down her back as she kisses me. Is this really happening? I was just comforting her.

I feel her small hands slide down to below my stomach, close to my waist line. I get goosebumps and pretty soon her hands find their way in my pants. I bite my lip as I feel her fingers wrap around my erection.

"Chloe.." I whisper, but she continues. I close my eyes and lay my head back.

If this is a dream I never want it to stop.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with school an teenage life. A lot has happened in this chapter. I hope you can keep up. Things got pretty heated in the end. I would get into detail and a little dirty but I decided not to scar you guys HAHA.

Make sure to vote and comment! Thanks for being patient and loyal. I will be updating You've Changed tomorrow or Saturday hopefully.

Thank you my lovelies! Xoxo, Ema.

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