All Boys Are Trouble

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Thank God this movie is over. I am so sleepy, my feet hurt, I'm tired of this stupid dress and I want to go home and see Ethan.

"Did you have a good time?" Colton smiles as we pull out of the theatre parking lot.

"Yes." I lie. I don't know how this is suppose to work (me picking one of them thing.) We're living with Colton so what if I pick Ethan and we have to move out? We don't really have anywhere to go. I will have to talk to Ethan about that later.

"Are you hungry?" He asks, placing his hand on mine.

"Yes." Actually I'm starving. That fruit for breakfast wore off a long time ago. I swear if he takes me to a damn fancy restaurant I will burst into flames. I'm so tired of fancy and ugh.

"Okay, good. We're going somewhere you will absolutely love!" Colton was a really good guy at first but now he's getting so annoying. Maybe I keep going for Ethan because he loves me and he's a bad boy. I love bad boys more than anything. I know that smoking pot is a turn off for a lot of people but if the guy is hot and he smokes then that is hot to me. I wonder if Ethan smokes? I make a mental note to ask him later.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet all day." Colton sighs.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." I fake a smile. Then a light goes off above my head. "Why were you asking me questions about Ethan earlier?"

"I just want to try and get closer to him and he hates me so maybe if I find out more about him I could relate or something." Aww, I give him points for trying to make his relationship better with Ethan. Maybe I should be more patient and compassionate toward Colton. After all, he gave me a nice picnic breakfast, paid for a movie, and is taking me to dinner.

"Well I'll tell you what you need to know." I smile, honestly.

"What's his background like?" Colton asks, clicking his turn signal making a right.

"Hmm, to be honest, I think his life has been pretty good. Other than the fact that his mom left him and his dad when he was seven. Ethan is a really good guy. He is super sweet but has his super ass attitude mood swings sometimes. He has really bad bipolar so he takes medicine for it. When we first met he saw me swimming and of course I had a bikini on so he immediately thought I was hot, or that's what he said." I smile at the thought of our first encounter.

I wasn't really thrilled of the idea of my mom getting married again, but Ethan was a bonus. He was going to my super hot step brother. My mom and I were swimming in our backyard pool and she told me she invited Ethan and his dad over to join us but I didn't really care. I wasn't the slightest bit interested, until I saw Ethan that is.

"Did you hear me?" Colton breaks me out of my thoughts.

"No, what did you say?"

"I asked why didn't he say anything about his medicine?" I pause for a moment, thinking.

"Honestly, I don't know. Ethan is kind of secretive with other people. He doesn't tell me as much as I wish he would. He didn't even tell me why he was arrested. I wish he would talk to me. It's so sweet when guys talk about their feelings and stuff." I sigh, thinking of Ethan.

"Oh, what would happen if he didn't get his medicine?" Why is he so interested about his fucking medicine.

"I don't know. I guess his moods would be all messed up and one minute he would snap peoples' heads off and the next minute he would be all sweet and stuff."

"Have you two..?" Colton looks at me while we're at the red light.

"What? No!" I've only gave him a handjob before. I decide to keep that comment to myself.

"Okay good." Relief washes over Colton. "Why?" I interrogate.

"Because. We're here." He quickly changes the subject and I look up. Finally no where fancy! Taco Bell! Yes!

"Thank you, Colton! I freaking love taco bell!" I unbuckle my seatbelt and jump out of the car. I feel Colton behind me in line. I am so hungry.

"Two soft shelled tacos and a large pepsi, please!" I smile at the hunky cashier and I notice he has dimples. "I want the doritos locos tacos and a water." Colton speaks up, making me jump.

"That'll be fifteen dollars and thirty-four cents, please." The cashier smiles and Colton hands him the money before I can even open my purse. I grab the cups and fill them up while Colton grabs the tray.

"This is so good." I'm almost finished with my second taco.

"Mmh hmm." Colton nods while moaning at the taste of his food.

"This is like a mouthgasm." I chuckle at my own words and Colton muffles a laugh, trying not to spit his drink all over the place.

"Thanks for such a great date." I smile and he nods.

"You're welcome. I think we should have two more tests before you decide, though." We throw our stuff away.

"What kind of tests?" I ask as we get inside the car.

"I think we should have to see who knows you the best and who can sleep with you better." Colton pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"You mean who can have sex with me the best?" I gulp. I don't think that is such a good idea.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good in bed." This side of Colton seems foreign to me. I'm still a virgin and I don't think I want my first time to be by contest.

"I'm still a virgin." I blurt out and his smirk fades.

"Really? But you're so hot and sexual sounding."

"Well I am but I'm also not. I don't know it's confusing." I shrug.

"What do you mean you are and aren't?" He wrinkles his eyebrows.

"In eighth grade I was going to do it with my friend, Josh. We were making out and I started to unbutton his pants and he stopped me and said he couldn't and wouldn't do anything to me because he had too much respect for me and he turned out to be gay."

"Oh, I bet that was awkward." Colton raises an eyebrow.

"Nah, we just laughed and decided to lay there and talk." I admit. I miss Josh, I should call him sometime.

"We're at our last stop." He smirks and I look around. I see a sign that says 'stargaze lookout.' I've only heard of this place before. I've never had the guts to actually come.

"The stars are beautiful." I feel his hand on my thigh and I feel the heat rising in my stomach.

"So are you." I look over at him as I feel his hand go higher. This isn't a typical thing for Colton. He's not really a sexual person.

I'm at a loss of words as I feel his fingertips slide across the front of my panties.

"Does that feel good? Or have you ever been touched there before?" I gasp at his words and nod.

"I think we should go to the back." Before I object I find myself nodding. We get in the backseat and he presses his lips against mine immediately. I wrap my arms around his neck and tug at the back of his hair.

I lean forward, making him lay on his back. I straddle his waist and connect my lips back to his. The tingling sensation his lips give to me just makes me to crazy. I pull away so we can breathe and he tugs at the hem of my dress. I let him take it off and I feel him get hard under me.

*Colton's POV*

Damn. I didn't expect her to let me take her dress off. I'm glad she did, though. She looks unbelievably sexy in that strapless bra and lacy undies.

"Colton?" She whispers in my ear as I feel her lean her chest down on mine.

"Y-yeah?" I try to remain calm.

I feel her lips against my ear lobe and they start to trail down my neck. Her small hands reach down my member and I nearly groan at the feel of her.

She unbuttons my pants and the windows are already fogged up. She takes off my shirt and I feel her lips connect with my skin.

Her hand travels down to my boxers and so does her mouth. She bites the waist band of my boxers and I gasp as she pulls them down with her teeth. That was so sexy. She's really good at this. I wonder how many other guys she's blowed. I shake my head and push the thoughts to the back of my mind. I don't want to think of her being with any other guy. I'm the only guy she needs.

*Chloe's POV*

I can't believe I'm doing this but I need to know if I feel the same way about this as I do with Ethan.

My hand finds it's way to his length and I grab it, making his legs jerk a little. I smirk at him and start twisting it, making him moan.

"Like that?" I whisper as I lower my head to lick the tip of it.

"Y-yes!" He blurts out as he lays his head back.

I continue that motion and he moans louder than I expected, making me giggle.

"What's so funny?" He gasps out and I shake my head.

I finish up and he sits up, putting his boxers back on. "I guess we should get back." I say, biting my lip.

"Wait," he grabs my hips. "Can we just lay here for a second?"

His sweet gesture makes me smile, "sure." I turn on the radio and put on his shirt as he pulls on his pants. I like his scent, it's so warm and home like. Good thing his shirt basically swallows my small frame, or else I'd be showing my panties.
Not that he cares but I do.

He lays down and pulls me close to him, putting his arms around me. "You're truly amazing, Chloe. Don't forget it either." He whispers in my ear and I smile. I'm so sleepy. He'll wake me up when we leave so I'm just going to close my eyes and take a cat nap.

"I love you Chloe.." I hear him whisper before I fall asleep.

Who do you ship? Chlethan (Chloe+Ethan) or Chloton (Chloe+Colton)

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